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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Insta Scoop: Melissa Ricks is Now Engaged

Images courtesy of Instagram: niceprintphoto

Taking Advantage

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To strengthen bonds, showbiz friends held a party sometime ago. As agreed, everyone was to bring food for potluck. However, more than food, the celebrities wanted to see each other and reminisce on experiences. They’ve been apart many years and the time was right to see each other.

Celebrity One (CO) volunteered to bring lechon. The others were assigned Japanese food, pasta, BBQ, and dessert. The Host (TH) took charge of drinks. The day came and CO was upset, as she claimed that miscommunication about dates with the lechon seller led to the non-arrival of the order. The waiting for the order was also the excuse of CO for coming late. The other guests comforted CO and told her not to mind her situation, as they brought more than enough food.

The guests took time to tell stories and have fun. After eating, much food was still left, as most were health conscious and avoided carbs. CO asked if she could bring home the leftover BBQ and pasta for her kids. The guests gave an affirmative response.

While the guests were continuing to tell stories, CO was busy literally clearing out the table, as she loaded all the food trays to her car. Even the pastries and other desserts were not spared. After loading up the food, CO joined the other guests.

CO noticed the various plants, including cacti, around the home of TH. TH said that her kids were taking care of the cacti. Nicely, TH said that CO can get what she likes and she’ll just tell her kids. Later, CO took the plants she liked. TH was busy interacting with the guests and did not notice that CO cleared up her garden.

As the party was coming to an end, the guests went to the kitchen and saw that they did not have to clean anything anymore. They thought that the helpers of TH already cleaned up for them. CO left first, the rest, except for Guest 2 and 3 (G2 and G3, respectively) followed.

TH then asked her helpers if they had eaten. She was shocked at what she heard. The helpers said that they have not eaten and will just eat the dinner they prepared. TH, G2, and G3 were surprised as they knew much of the potluck food was left uneaten. The helpers said that CO took everything. G2 asked where her Pyrex was and they said CO took it, too. G3 said she was lucky that she only used disposables.

When they stepped out, TH became stressed at seeing the empty patches that used to be occupied by her plants. The plants of her kids were taken along with rare ones and orchids. To lessen the tension, G2 said that she knows of a plant seller and she’ll help replace the ones that were taken.

‘It's when you get complacent that you get taken advantage of.’ − Tony A. Gaskins

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Insta Scoop: Yassi Pressman Dedicates New Home In-Progress to Late Dad

Image courtesy of Instagram: yassipressman

'Black Panther' Star Chadwick Boseman Succumbs to Colon Cancer

Image courtesy of Instagram: tmz_tv

The Lover Boy

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Handsome Actor (HA) has been the secret that Influential Personality (IP) has been keeping away from the public. Any links between HA and IP will result in months of talks about the true self of IP. Hence, everything thing that can make a connection has been hushed up. Being with IP ensured that HA would not go hungry and the young talent would not worry even if projects are limited.

One day, HA packed up and left the love nest he shared with IP. IP was shocked and angered at HA for leaving without even saying a proper goodbye. IP looked for HA, as no one deserves to be abandoned with no reason at all. Besides, no one does that to IP. Finally, HA admitted that his management found out about his liaisons with IP and warned him. He had to make a decision. IP panicked as he feared his secret sexuality might be out and a scandal is not at all welcome. However, that admission was not the end of the story.

IP found out from his circle that the excuse of HA was merely for convenience. HA has been seeing Versatile Talent (VT) and spending private moments with him. IP was infuriated as he could not understand HA opted for someone who is not as rich or influential as him.

Later, HA noticed that he was being followed and knowing IP, he thought that his life might be in danger. HA contacted an Overseas Benefactor (OB) and told his story, but skipped the parts about VT. HA sought help from OB, who then hired security for HA.

Although HA and VT would engage in activities, they are careful of posting photos showing them together. Other than avoiding intrigue, HA does not want any rumor to reach OB. OB has been supporting him given his lack of work. Moreover, HA knows that if he upsets OB, OB might use social media to get back at him. OB also has many followers considering her connections with a number of local celebrities.

‘Oh, what a tangled web we weave…when first we practice to deceive.’ – Walter Scott

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Insta Scoop: Regine Velasquez Posts Throwback Photo with Geneva Cruz and Louie Heredia

Image courtesy of Instagram: reginevalcasid

Insta Scoop: Fourth Solomon Marries Grizelle Gratela

Image courtesy of Instagram: niceprintphoto

Who Wore It Better: Nadine Lustre vs. Julia Barretto

Images courtesy of Fashion PULIS reader

Young Daddy

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One of the controversies that parents would rather avoid is for their children to have kids prior to becoming full-fledged adults. Access to technology and sexuality materials makes easy for the youth to gain awareness of sex at an early age. Without guidance, physical intimacy can lead to unwanted pregnancy and its corresponding challenges.

When Young Talent (YT) was starting his career, warnings have been given for him to stay cool on exploring his sexuality. YT was linked to several young female talents and his handlers feared he might give in to temptation. Attractive and youthful, YT was a good catch. Moreover, he seemed to be promising in his career and was able to gain a following within a short period of introduction to the public.

The management of YT saw his potential to be groomed into an impressive actor. He landed roles in various projects that rated well. He was soon noticed and was bound for bigger opportunities. However, things slowed down a bit given the challenges of the pandemic. Like most talents, YT would have to think about his next career move.

What is abuzz in the grapevine, even if YT’s career is silent, is that he has disobeyed the advice given to him when he was starting. Rumors indicate that YT is already a young father and his child is living with the non-showbiz mother. The child and the mother are not in the city and are away from the limelight. By being a young dad, YT’s path towards becoming the next heartthrob would be in jeopardy. Hence, a deal was made for child support, which could ensure the mother will not say anything that could affect YT’s career.

‘What are you hiding? Is it something from others, or from yourself? Find your truth. The more you show up, the more you'll be found.’ ― Brittany Burgunder

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Follow @FashionPulis on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS!

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Insta Scoop: Chynna Ortaleza Responds to Accusations of Troll

Images courtesy of Instagram: chynsortaleza

Alden Richards Pairs with Jasmine Curtis-Smith in Pilot of GMA's New Anthology

Image courtesy of Instgaram: ayalexi

Image courtesy of Twitter: andie83082

Insta Scoop: Clint Bondad Responds to Netizens Wanting Him and Catriona Gray to Be Together Again

Images courtesy of Instagram: clintbondad/ catriona_gray

Insta Scoop: Enzo Pineda Expresses Gratitude for Having Michelle Vito in His Life

Images courtesy of Instagram: its_enzopineda

FB Scoop: Wife of Chuckie Dreyfus, Aileen, Answers John Regala's Claim of Not Receiving Any Donations Raised for Him

Image courtesy of Facebook: Aster Amoyo

Images courtesy of Facebook: Aileen Dreyfus

Insta Scoop: Zeus Collins Humors Fake Death News

Images courtesy of Instagram: hashtag_zeuscollins

Insta Scoop: McCoy De Leon Signs up with Viva

Image courtesy of Instagram: vivaartistsagency

Insta Scoop: Diego Loyzaga Teams up with AJ Raval in First Movie with Viva

Image courtesy of Instagram: vivaartistsagency

Tweet Scoop: Radio Program of Ogie Diaz and MJ Felipe among Cancelled Shows of DZMM

Images courtesy of Twitter: mjfelipe

Who Wore It Better: Sue Ramirez vs. KC Concepcion

Images courtesy of Fashion PULIS reader


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