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At the backstage, Bubbly Mother (BM) and Cute Son (CS) waited for their turn to go on a surprise segment for a show. CS then saw Heartthrob (HT) and Aloof Partner (AP) arrive. Immediately, CS approached the two, shook hands with HT and kissed AP. Kibitzers could not believe that CS, despite his stature, was the first to greet HT.
Meanwhile, BM was rehearsing in a corner and when HT saw her, he went to her and paid his respect. They were even engaged in small talk. By contrast, AP did not bother to approach BM and continued to talk to a staff, as though the staff was more important than BM. After a few minutes, AP called out HT for them to coordinate their spiel for their guesting. AP did not at all move to greet BM.
Just as after HT had said goodbye to BM, she immediately let loose her tongue to the people around her. Obviously, she was snubbed and she did not like it. As an elder celebrity, she deserves respect from the younger generation. Without missing a beat, BM said that she finally confirmed that AP can be such and imp, which makes her believe the negative comments about AP in social media.
However, what happens at the backstage remains there. As soon as BM and AP were in front of the camera, they projected that everything was okay between them. They were even exchanging witty lines and acting professionally. The Host of the Show (HS) was elated at the surprise guests who were there for the special show. HS was clueless and had no idea of how AP treated BM at the backstage. Had HS known about the ill-mannered way of AP toward BM, he might have had limited the appearance of HT and AP in his program.
‘Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.’ – Charles R. Swindoll
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