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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Is She Living a Happy Ending?

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Until now, the public is still puzzled as to the real reason why pretty actress (PA) ended her relationship. As her way of dealing with speculative accusations of the reasons for the breakup, she questioned why it was hard for others to accept that breakups can happen without a fight or other scandalous events. Then, in her interviews, she said she has begun to move on.

Meanwhile, young character actor (YC) has been busy acting in various roles ever since he moved networks. Throughout his career, YC showed his ability as an actor truly reflects the genes of his prominent showbiz family. Although YC himself is not a newsmaker when it comes to controversies, his name gets attached to other controversial figures in his family. His family is very clannish, very protective, and does not invite just anyone to their gatherings. Family affairs are strictly for family members or those people considered as family.

Now, PA and YC were together in his family’s private affair. Is her presence a sign that she is considered a member of his family? On the reel side, both are together in a drama series and with the way the story is going, their characters might end up together. On the real side, the question is whether PA and YC are already an item. However, the biggest question is if YC were the reason for the breakup of the relationship of PA.

Can you identify who PA and YC are? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Zeroing in on a Legitimate Deal

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Generally, a contractor is someone who supplies merchandise or service in exchange for a certain amount of money. Contractors are mostly found in places where businesses thrive. Sometimes, their offers are too good to pass and both parties get more than what they expect. Take the case of a certain public official (PO).

PO is a celebrity in his own right who has connections with local showbiz people. He is rich, powerful and has good looks. PO is also quite happily married and his wife often makes public pronouncements about their wonderful marriage.

Sometime ago, PO was approached by one of these contractors. These contractors are beautiful women whose goal is to convince people, like PO, to grant them projects officially or to give them money unofficially. The contractors will use everything they could, including going to bed with their would-be benefactors. Unfortunately, PO was not able to escape the charms of one of these contractors. Although the contractor is married and has a kid, it did not matter to PO. He and his contractor even had a rendezvous somewhere near his home province. The wife did not suspect anything because it was normal in the line of work of PO to return to his province every so often. Besides, she was busy with her own successful project as well.

Sadly, just to make a living, these contractors allow themselves to move from one colleague of to another. Yes, PO’s contractor is not exclusively his.

Let this BI be a warning to the wives who think their husbands are dealing with harmless contractors for the sake of projects for their hometowns. Not all contractors are as what people think they are.

Reverberating Insecurity of Mesmerizing Actress

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At this point of her career, attractive actress (AA) is considered a “queen” in her network. However, she has been involved in quite a few incidents unbecoming of a true royalty because of her hunk boyfriend (HB). Some of her infamous incidents with her fellow actresses in her network are as follows.

First, she traumatized newcomer talent (NT) by locking her in a room and confronting her because AA felt NT was too chummy with HB. Thus, the ending of their drama series had to be changed as AA and NT could not work together. Though talented and pretty, NT could not get as much exposure in the network.

Then, while on location, AA got into a verbal tussle with dainty actress (DA) over a possibility that DA will be the leading lady of HB in a next project. DA retaliated by having cops waiting for them at the airport. DA and her mother said it was for their protection. AA projected a “victim image” in the whole incident. The project of DA and HB was shelved.

A few weeks ago, her long-time on screen nemesis (SN) expressed her disappointment of the behavior of AA via cyberspace. The twits caught attention, of course. AA was quick to say that all is well and that SN was just fond of her. SN and HB had a kissing scene in their teleserye.

Recently, AA arrived at the set of a weekly variety show. She said “Hi!” to everyone and ignored the daughter (D) of versatile actress. When they were about to appear together on stage, AA specifically gave instructions that she does not want D next to her. Then, she continued to snob D. The reason why AA was giving D the cold shoulder was that HB requested D to be his partner for his advertising projects.

People who have been watching her career and behavior cannot figure out why AA is so insecure when it comes to women who are professionally linked to HB. Is AA afraid of karma (HB was happily involved with someone before AA was paired with him)?

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Gross Comedian

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Performer (P) was already doing the rounds of the comedy bars when showbiz lured him because of his funny and witty antics. P has appeared in comedies, dramas, and variety shows of his network. At a certain point, P became the favorite flavor of a singer host and P was made a sort of co-host/performer in her show. However, P has had his own share of controversies and he even got the ire of a veteran writer/host.

At any rate, stories of his unkempt habits have circulated. Take what happened in a press conference. In one recent incident, the interviewers were turned off when P came to a presscon without bothering to clean his nose. “YUCK!” was exactly the reaction of the people who saw his nose. The presscon was quite intimate with the interviewers gathering close to P and other performers. Some interviewers were so uncomfortable that they refused to look at P. They wondered why P did not notice that people were avoiding looking at him even if he was so passionate in answering their questions and why P did not at all feel something was dangling out of his nose. YUCK!

Do you know who the gross comedian is? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

She's Just on the Move

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It is said that showbiz is 20% performing and 80% waiting - which is true in a sense. But still, it is not asking much if people will learn to respect each other's time. For lost time is lost productivity, lost income.

A Public Relations lady (PR) of a publishing firm went to a Sunday noontime show for a video shoot of a popular teenage drama actress (DA) who was part of the publishing's Style Awards event. Time of shoot was decided on by DA and her handler (H), and PR complied.

At the agreed time and place, DA gave instructions to H to move the shoot after the noontime show. H then relayed the message to PR. Although disgusted, PR conceded and waited with her group. When the show finally ended, PR was so relieved, but not for long 'though. On the orders of DA, PR was informed by H that DA forgot about her rehearsal for a weekend variety show of a popular star. And it had to be the priority at that point vis a vis the video shoot. PR and her group were obviously annoyed upon hearing this. The long wait they had earlier had already consumed them all - literally and figuratively, and the thought that they would be again subjected to another round of time killing was just too much. For after all, it was DA who made them come for the early morning shoot, but they were too helpless to even complain. Finally, the much-delayed shoot took off at past seven in the evening.

It takes great sacrifice to keep one's work. But given the kind of people you are made to deal with everyday, it takes greater sacrifice and commitment to love it.

Do you know who DA is? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Soul Searching Man

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Just as when he was at the peak of his career, commercial model turned actor singer (CA) surprised the public and his network by announcing that he was seeking his fortune somewhere else. Some commented that was the only way to go because a career abroad will bring him more satisfaction. Yet, his decision left many of his followers wondering why he wanted to leave considering all the projects that were lined up for him.

The truth is that CA had to leave with a heart full of guilt. Earlier, pretty host actress (PH) entered the friendship CA shared with his actor buddy (AB). CA has had his own share of relationships, whereas AB has been very picky with whom he goes with. Belonging to the same network, CA, AB, and PH found themselves together and were very vocal that their friendships hinged on studying the Word.

Eventually, PH and AB fell into a relationship and since they looked good together, everyone expected they would end up with each other. While PH and AB were together, PH was also chummy with CA. Their closeness led to sharing something intimate. As to whether AB found out about the infidelity, no one knows. CA realized he had enough, as he was not an honest friend to AB. He had to leave and find himself. (When PH and AB broke up, CA was never mentioned in any press release, even as a consoling friend to either.)

The most recent development is that CA is back to resume his career. Hopefully, he has come to terms with the truth. The question now is if he will be warmly received by the public.

Can you identify the characters in this story? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

Like or Dislike: Hollie Cavanagh Eliminated on American Idol

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Hollie Cavanagh was just eliminated on American Idol. Philip Philips was part of the bottom 2. Let us continue to support Jessica Sanchez so that she makes it to the finals. Go @JSanchezAI11 !!!

TV5's Official Statement Regarding the Preventive Suspension of T3

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“News5 is deeply concerned by the MTRCB decision to place its Public Service program T3 under preventive suspension.

We believe that this oversteps the mandate of the MTRCB, and sets it on a path could threaten the independence and freedom of the broadcast industry.

Self-regulatory mechanisms internal to the organization and instituted within the industry and to which TV5 subscribes were in place, enforced, and ultimately effective in disciplining programs host Ben, Raffy, and Erwin Tulfo.

MTRCB’s action of placing T3 under preventive suspension raises the question of what else, other than the disciplining of the anchors, the government aims to achieve. The Tulfos have been sanctioned. What else is there for government to resolve? A preventive suspension suggests that the continued broadcast of the program would constitute a danger to the viewing public.

There is no such danger. T3 was conceptualized, produced, and ultimately classified as news and public service program. For MTRCB to even consider or suggest by its actions that T3 has suddenly lost all its purpose and value, or worse, poses a danger to the public such that it warrants censorship, sets a dangerous tone and could potentially lead to a dangerous precedent for all news programs.”

Happy Mother's Day from Bench and Kashieca!

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Grand Attitude

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Young actress (YA) earned a notch in her career by being chosen by a network to be its face. The network gave YA all possible shows that showed her talent in hosting and acting. For a time, she was seen every day; even until sign off, her face was there. YA was initially built up as a host of various shows. Then, she was given assignments that challenged her acting ability in drama and comedy. YA was spread thinly that it seems she ended up being a Jack-of-all-trades but a master of none. The term coined for her career was “experimental.” Since that time, her popularity has not shined like other performers in the other networks who began at the same time YA did with her network. Nonetheless, YA renewed her contract with her network and even cornered projects with a film outfit.

The sad thing is that this importance and attention given to YA has gotten into her attitude. Stories have it that YA would arrive late for her tapings. It did not matter to her even if there were bigger stars in the cast, YA will do what she wants to do. One time, the network had a major event and all its stars were expected to be at the venue on time. YA was the first to leave the changing and make-up area. Naturally, people expected YA to be in the assembly ahead of everyone else, which would be a good example as YA is one of the important talents of the network. They were wrong.

As the other stars and personalities of the network moved to their places, YA only stepped out of her car as the parade was over. Consequently, YA became the center of attention. People who noticed this behavior said that YA was very consistent in her habit of making a grand entrance. Now, if her sister were around, YA will really remain in the shadows in terms of looks, talent, and popularity. It’s a good thing they belong to different networks.

Do you know who YA is? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

Jessica Sanchez: And I am Telling You

Jessica Sanchez: Steal Away

Like or Dislike: Photos of Claudine and Raymart During and After the Press Conference

Suyen Corporation Grand Sale

This summer, the temperature isn’t the only one rising! Like the summer heat, prices have soared up like crazy and everyone’s sweating in anticipation of the bills that came with that luxury getaway or that hot new summer wardrobe! Fortunately, there is a way to look fresh, fab, and fashionably cool without switching your spending into overdrive mode. Join your favorite brands from Suyen Corporation, Charles & Keith, Pedro, F&X, CC-OO, CPS, La Senza, and Kashieca, as they BEAT THE HEAT this summer at the Trinoma Activity Center from May 10-12, 2012. With prices up to 70% off, summer doesn’t get any cooler than this!

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

She has Manners

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Polite Actress (PA) accepted the project because the story and her role were too good to be turned down. Besides, PA has not been seen on TV in a role that can show her acting skills and her career really needs to get moving. She has been always known as the little sister and lately, as the martyr girlfriend. Her boyfriend then was excited and supportive despite the demand of the role for PA to have several sweet and kissing scenes with her leading man (LM).

An agreeable former boyfriend, a good role, the best director, and high production value, so what could go wrong? LM just happened to be one of those actors rumored to have dragonbreath. Stories about LM and his breath are polarized. Others will attest to it, while others will deny it. (Yet, in an interview shown on TV sometime ago, LM kept on chewing gum. This behavior fuelled the rumor further.)

Given this awkward situation, PA had to think of something without offending LM. Hence, before they shoot a love scene, PA would be all smiles and say to LM, “Hey, I’m ready for the scene. I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash, too. Have you?” Then, PA would giggle a bit and try to be cute so she will not offend LM.

Can you guess who PA and LM are? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Meaningful Hug?

After their failed relationships, have they found comfort in each other? Her life off-cam is as challenging as the roles she portrayed in her shows. Meanwhile, he is said to be a muscled actor portrayed as a loyal boyfriend. However, his actions, stories, and photos that contradict this image have been surfacing left and right.

Is this just a friendly hug or is this the start of something? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

Mon Tulfo and Raymart Santiago on TV Patrol

Mon Tulfo vs Raymart Santiago & Claudine Barretto NAIA Video

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Is She Really Seeking Counseling?

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Over the past months, the friends of this sensitive actress (SA) stretched their patience and love to understand what she was going through. SA would call and text people in the wee hours of the night to talk to them and emotionally say, “I love you.” She would be very warm and affectionate. However, when they would call or text her in the morning, SA would be cranky or not even reply to them. When friends advised her not to mind her critics, she ignored them and went on to answer every negative thing hurled at her.

One time, at way past midnight, SA contacted one of her closest friends (CF) from way back. SA said she misses CF and would love to catch up. SA invited CF to meet up somewhere in the city at that moment. When they met, CF was surprised at the change of the attitude of SA. She was irritable and immediately wanted to go home. CF was understanding and just let go of the incident although he was quite clueless to the sudden change in the mood of SA.

Incidentally, the talk among her relatives is that SA is undergoing psychological treatment to help her go through with whatever she is feeling at this point. However, they were quick to note that it seems that her doctor is ineffective. They have not warmed up to her since they allowed politics to affect their family ties. For now, SA is busy with her challenging show up ahead. Her fans hope she will regain her status and confidence now that she has something more worthwhile to do. Hopefully, the public will be kinder to her this time.

Can you identify who SA is?  Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

Are His Intentions Truly Genuine?

The career moves of this gorgeous young actor (GY) have made him one of his network’s prized talents. However, GY was always linked with more popular female talents. When GY was starting out, he was immediately paired off with a co-discovery (CD). They never admitted they were a couple for years until they broke up and CD had a meltdown. GY realized that he was not sure if their fans will continue to support him.

GY was also seen dating a young beautiful actress (BY), whose image has revolved around her questionable preference. This relationship did not last long as the fans of his former love team were making a big deal about his moving on, while CD was still not her usual self. Since GY loved his career more, he stopped seeing BY. GY was said to have sent food to a pretty host (PH) of another network. GY denied that he visited PH in her studio and sent food. PH was frustrated with the denial. Soon, she realized GY was not about to sacrifice his career.

Then, GY focused his attention on a sensational singer (SS) with a massive and vigilant fan base. The network played up their team-up and saw the potential in their chemistry. They even have pet names for each other, which added some cuteness points for their love team.

However, is GY really that serious with SS? GY was recently spotted clubbing with a female companion at a city down south. He was there for an out of town show. If he were seriously courting SS, shouldn’t he behave in a way that will not question his sincerity? Others believe that SS and GY are already together, then, the more that GY should be careful with how he moves and whom he hangs around with in public. Will GY treat SS the way that he treated CD, BY, and PH for the sake of his ambition?

Can you identify all the characters in this story? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Real Counterfeit

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From day one of elder sis' (ES) explosive revelations about how little bratty sis (BS) publicly humiliated her, people's outrage and condemnation towards BS seem unstoppable. The public was on fire - social networking sites, online publications, showbiz blogsites, name it, BS was condemned in it. People shared stories and their own personal encounters with BS, stories that were everything but desirable.

Someone in her circle shared how BS' personal assistant (PA) was so badly treated that BS would starve her, enslave her, and even accused her of stealing her ring that was a gift from her boyfriend. But when the ring was finally found just lying elsewhere, BS just shrugged it off - no apologies to PA, no remorse at all.

When BS got sick, that PA was the one who took care of her, since nobody else would want to. But when BS recovered, she eventually fired her. Poor PA went to ES for comfort, and ES took custody of her without question.

BS' treatment of her fans is no different either. At her best, BS would bring out a forced smile when fans would request her to pose for pictures. But when that was finished, she would revert back to her "annoyed & unapproachable" look, so that fans would "read" the message and behave. Same goes when she's on tv - as she seems to have perfected the art of bluffing. BS wanted to use this art to her advantage when she won an award recently. Probably thinking that it will help soften the public ire on her, she dedicated the award to ES. But everyone knows she just achieved the opposite as people's reactions turned more violent.

All told, the sisters' opposite personalities have become very telling by the day, as each and every detail of their lives is uncovered. If there's one thing to comfort the aggrieved ES, it is the public's outpouring sympathy she has unwittingly generated. As for BS - if angry words can kill, she would have been lying down there from day one.

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. - Desmond Tutu

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