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Showing posts with label stylist. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

So Lost and Ugly

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One of the country's Top Endorsers TE had a shoot at a beach for her new tvc. A Stylist ST was contracted to do TE's styling. However during the shoot day itself, ST was a big disappointment. She was there alright but nowhere close to doing her job. She went to the shoot to have fun and swim to her heart's content.

Reportedly, the ad agency 's team fumed and was surprised that ST had to relegate everything to her assistants to do the work when she was paid big to personally handle TE. It would have been more acceptable, they said, had ST supervised her assistants, at the very least – but no. ST allegedly assumed the role of a celebrity by acting like one.

As if on cue for a celebrity mode, as soon as she arrived at the venue, ST changed into swimwear right away and went sunbathing.

Observers have been quite accurate in their assumption of ST ever since. For the longest time, since she had tasted some perks while in a brief stint as the other half of a famous relationship, she has tried to gel with Her Friends HF even more and slowly inched her way to their world. To top it all, as if to make her presence felt even more, she got herself a talent agency to handle her.

Yet, people can only look at her with confusion as to what she really wants to be – a stylist or a star. More often, ST has been labeled unprofessional since she herself seems to get confused as to her true job description. People can not help but think that she has supposedly sunk herself into celebrity status such that doing what she used to do is already out of the question.

Whenever her clients call for her, ST only gets her assistants to do her work of pulling out clothes. Then on the shoot day itself, she would arrive late when everything is already in place then lets her assistants to do all the styling that she was paid for to do. People ask: Isn't it a big disservice to the clients who deserve nothing less?

As if getting into character of a real star, the once pleasant ST has now acquired an attitude, too. ST's treatment of Her Staff HS has been turning them off. When one of HS tendered her resignation to look for greener pasture for more growth - ST got mad. She texted all her designer-friends, magazine editors, artist handlers, etc., and told them not to hire her ex HS.

HS 's sympathizers can only ask what kind of boss ST has become? Isn't she supposed to be open-minded and proud of HS whom she had trained well? Why get in the way of HS growth?

Jealousy fuses megalomania and self-abandonment. ~ Mason Cooley

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Follow @FashionPulis on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS!

Disclaimer: The comments of the readers do not reflect the views and opinions of Fashion PULIS.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Looking for Mr. Right

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Two very visible celebrities might be the next couple to watch out for - or maybe not. Stylish Girl SG is allegedly often seen at the dressing room of a weekly show and dressing up Dancing Hunk What makes it odd? Two reasons: While DH is allegedly single, SG is reportedly on a committed relationship. SG’s styling and dressing DH is reportedly on a pro bono basis, meaning she is not doing it on PR.

Her presence in most of DH’s shows and gigs kind of baffles some people around because of her and DH’s respective status and age gap, if you get the drift. DH maybe single, but he is reportedly seeing someone. Photos of them together are on the social networking sites.

On the part of SG, observers are quite bewildered why she seems not to have a really lasting and serious relationship. Most girls even envy her that despite not being so pretty, she had dated quite a number of the most eligible bachelors in town. Her friends come to her defense against her bashers saying that with all the dirt thrown at her, SG is a charming and loyal friend.

But her bashers just won’t stop especially when SG unabashedly flirted online with a Hot Media guy HM. At that time, SG was really bent on pursuing HM, but he politely turned her down and her advances – something that her bashers did not let pass and gloatingly threw unprintables at her.

Deliberate or not, SG seems to invite critics to herself. While others say she thrives on it remains to be proven. At any rate, she knows and believes she has what it takes to make it – and she is definitely walking her talk.

On the other hand, if DH won’t watch out, he might be dragging himself into SG’s net – something his new girl won’t be happy about. On the other hand, only DH can control girls like SG to stop ululating over him.

“A boy spends his time looking for different girls to sleep with, but a man spends his time looking for that special one worth waking up to.“

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Follow @FashionPulis on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS!

Disclaimer: The comments of the readers do not reflect the views and opinions of Fashion PULIS.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lacking Respect and Professionalism

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This story is about a fashion stylist. But first, let us define what a fashion stylist is. From Wiki, it says:

"A Fashion Stylist is the job title of someone who selects the clothing for published editorial features, print or television advertising campaigns, music videos, concert performances, and any public appearances made by celebrities, models or other public figures. Stylists are often part of a creative team assembled by the client, collaborating with the fashion designer, photographer/director, hair stylist and makeup artist to put together a particular look or theme for the specific project."

That plus a handsome fee make fashion styling such a cool and glamorous job, isn't it? Now, let us go back to our story.

This well-connected fashion stylist FS asked a top designer TD to send some clothes to her to be used by a popular endorser PE for a shoot in one of her big endorsements. FS told TD that if PE would like some pieces she would definitely buy them. Days after, the clothes were returned to him and FS said that not one were worn by PE. That was fine with TD and no questions were asked. But few weeks after that, TD was shocked to see a new billboard of PE wearing the exact dress he sent them for the shoot. What angered him more was that the dress was maliciously photoshopped to alter its original color. But any designer will always recognize his work even if it is just the collar or the sleeves that are shown. TD immediately confronted FS for deceiving him and only after he ranted was he paid for his clothes.

Do you know the characters in this story? Please abide by the GUIDELINES in writing comments if you want them to be posted. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lacking in Refinement and Grace

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In a formal dinner party, the behavior of a host writer (HW) broke the rules of social graces. When HW saw he was seated next to a socialite food expert, he switched her name card and reasoned that they were not close so she had to be moved. He wanted his groupies to be seated next to him. However, the socialite chef knew her original seat. The other socialites saw what he did and whispered among themselves of his lack of respect.

During dinner, the guests were praising the fashion sense of one of the socialites. As if on cue, one of the groupies in the circle of HW started saying things that diverted the attention of the guests to her. The socialites started talking among themselves of the presumptuous behavior of this group, who thinks the world revolves around them.

Do you know who HW is? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Free Styling

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After flying for more than eight hours, we finally arrived in the Doha International Airport. We are currently in Qatar Airways' lounge waiting for our flight to Vienna that leaves in an hour. While waiting for our flight, I thought of making wise use of my time and write a short blind item for today.

This name of this top female stylist has not been mentioned as much ever since her favorite client became less visible on television. Worried of losing her popularity, she approached this female television host and offered her free styling services for her Sunday talk show. Upon hearing this, the host immediately replaced her stylist who has been working with her for years.

Do you know who this female stylist is? Kindly observe the guidelines in posting comments. Please follow micsylim on Twitter if you need additional clues. Thank you very much for visiting Fashion PULIS. Do not forget to send your juicy stories to

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Killer Charges

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In a recent project, the chosen fashion stylist of this reassurance seeking endorser charged her client 1,000,000 PhP for a three day television commercial shoot that required the endorser to be in pajamas. The poor client had no choice but to give in to the hefty asking price of this stylist because she was the only choice of the said endorser.  

Do you know who this stylist is? Let me give you a clue. She shares the same name with the daughter of this heavy duty actress.

Please observe the guidelines in posting comments. If you need additional clues, I suggest that you follow micsylim on Twitter. Kindly continue to email your juicy stories to

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Siomai Make-up Artist

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It has been a while since I last posted a blind item about someone from the fashion industry. The truth of the matter is that I worry that some of the people in the stories that I know might not be that well-known to most readers. Anyway, rest assured that I always prioritize a story about the fashion industry every time I do have one.

This make-up artist only wants to eat siomai and nothing else. Prior to the wedding day, he specifically advised his client/bride to make sure that she orders siomai for him. Upon receiving this information, the client relayed it to her wedding coordinator and requested her to take care of this.

On the day of the wedding, the coordinator invited the three assistants of the make-up artist to go to one of the function rooms for lunch where they will be served chicken and pork adobo with rice. The three assistants refused and told the coordinator that they also want siomai for lunch just like their boss. So instead of just buying 4 orders of siomai for the make-up artist, the coordinator now has to buy 16 orders of siomai for the make-artist and his three assistants.

The coordinator went to the mall located across the hotel to buy 16 orders (4 orders x 4 people) of siomai. When she was about to enter the hotel, the security guard stopped her since bringing in of food for wedding suppliers is strictly prohibited by the hotel management. She had to explain to the guard that the food she bought is for the bride and her family members who are waiting for her in the bridal suite. The security guard escorted the coordinator carrying the 16 orders of siomai to the bride's room to make sure that the food is really intended for hotel guests.

A few days after the wedding, the coordinator received a phone call from the client/groom asking her who charged more than 2,000 PhP worth of siomai to his room. The coordinator told him that she does not know anything about this and reassured him that she bought the 16 orders of siomai from the mall and not from the hotel's Chinese restaurant. Minutes later, the client/groom rang her back to tell her that he just found out that it was was the bride's brother who ordered the siomai from the hotel's Chinese restaurant. According to his brother-in-law, make-up artist disliked like the siomai that the coordinator bought from the mall so he decided to order from the hotel's Chinese restaurant instead.

Do you know who this make-up artist is? He has made a name for himself and this is why he feels that he can afford to be this demanding. To the readers who are not very familiar with the fashion industry, I suggest that you give your opinion on the story instead. I cannot wait to read your comments.

Kindly observe the guidelines in posting comments and remember that initials are not allowed. Follow micsylim on Twitter if you need clues regarding the make-up artist. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you for reading Fashion PULIS!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Letter from a Reader: The Missing Hermes Herbag

Photo of RDV that appeared on Look Magazine
carrying the missing Hermes Herbag 

Dear Fashion PULIS,

This unfortunate incident took place more than a year ago but I was waiting for this fashion stylist and host of a lifestyle show, RDV, to settle amicably before spreading this story. Since I see that he shows no effort to settle, I have decided to share the blow by blow account of what he did to me with your many avid readers.

RDV was introduced to me and my friends three years ago by a friend of mine, RC, who was his officemate at that time. RDV started hanging out with us since then we liked him instantly because of his wit and humor. He told us many cool stories about him and his family which we later found out to be all lies.

Sometime in mid 2009, he told me that he was interested to buy my used Louis Vuitton Keepall that I was selling at that time. Since we have been friends for quite some time, I sold the LV bag to him on a 6 month installment basis. There were times that the payments were delayed but never the less, he was able to finish the payments.

In early 2010, he fell in love with this Hermes Herbag that I was selling for 75,000 Php. Since he has once shared with us that he was earning 120,000 Php a month, I told myself that I will not have any problem with this guy for sure. Months passed and I have not received any payments. All I got from him were apologies and excuses for his inability to pay. Wanting to save our friendship, I patiently waited but his excuses became more and more illogical each time. It was also around that time, when me my friends and I began to discovered his web of lies. His friends in Facebook were also witnesses to his lies. We thought that more than an Hermes Herbag, what he needed was professional psychological help.

Months later in September 2010, I asked him nicely if he could just return the bag to me if he could not pay for it. He told me to give him a few days to look for it because they were moving houses during that time. After a few days later, I was shocked to receive a message from him informing me that he misplaced the bag. I asked myself “How the hell could he have lost such a huge bag?” I told him to just pay for it since he lost it. He asked for more time but when I got no word from him, I decided to request my lawyer to take care of it.

It is now June 2011 and I have not been able to collect the 75,000 PhP he owes me. My question is “Isn't RDV supposed to pay for the item because he lost it while it was in his possession?” If he were a dignified person with good morals as he claims, he should have at least showed his willingness to pay for it even if it will take some time.

Thank you very much Fashion PULIS for posting my story. I hope he reads this story and gets in touch with me. More power to your blog.

Yours truly,
Denis Robles

P.S. Fashion PULIS has agreed to post the initials of the person involved in the story because the letter sender has allowed his real name to be published. Calling on Mr. RDV, Fashion PULIS will be waiting for your side of the story. Please send it to through

Friday, March 25, 2011

Satellite Network

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Celebrity fashion stylists work very closely with the stars. They hear many first hand stories straight from their clients when they work with them privately inside their dressing rooms. Since these stars entrust their personal stories to them, they should know how to protect their client's privacy. Gathering news from the stars of one network and sharing it with the stars of another is very unethical.

There is this one stylist who has several clients from two different networks. While styling his clients from TV5, he would gather all the information and share it with his clients from the GMA7, and vice versa. This is his strategy to get closer to all his celebrity clients. As a client, you should know better that if he can share something private about another client to you, it is most likely that he also shares something about you to his other clients. My advice to these stars is to be more careful when you share anything to this stylist friend because he is betraying your trust.  

Do you know who is this celebrity stylist? His last name begins with the letter M. I think I want him to be my friend so that I can have more celebrity stories to share on Fashion PULIS.

Before you submit your comments, please be reminded of the Guidelines In Posting Comments. Email your stories to, I will be waiting.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Liar + The Borrower = The Stylist

Many readers informed me that they were very much entertained by the story of The World's Biggest Liar. Some felt weird that he did not do his research before fabricating the top ten lies. Due to the overwhelming response of the story, I have decided to write a sequel and entitle it "The Borrower."

The stylist fabricated the lies to impress the people around him. He lies for the purpose of social climbing, for the people to think highly of him. Seriously, does he really have to impress other people because he is a stylist?

He is smart enough though to know that his lies will never be sufficient to convince people, so he had to use another deceptive strategy called borrowing. He borrows almost anything that he can use to show off to people and make them believe that he actually owns them. His list of favorite items to borrow would include cars, designer handbags, shades and other fashion accessories. Besides these material objects, he is also known for borrowing money and never giving it back.

Apart from his borrowing tactics, he also buys things from friends but never pays for them. Like this Hermes Herbag that he bought from a friend who is a bag seller. When the seller sent him messages, following up on the 90,000 Php payment, he informed the seller that he lost the bag. Does this mean that he no longer has to pay for the bag because he misplaced it? The seller was so surprised as to how he can lose such a big bag. Why can't he just return the bag? Did he sell the unpaid bag to get cash out of it?

In fairness to this stylist, his social climbing efforts have impressed a few gullible people in the fashion industry. One person I can think of is the editor in chief of a high end magazine who is actually considering him for a fashion editor post. I guess he is really an excellent actor for the editor to believe him. I just hope that mister editor does his assignment before making such a big mistake. This might be the worst decision of his career.

Follow me on twitter: micsylim and like fashionpulis on Facebook. Send your stories to I will be waiting.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who's This World's Biggest Liar?

If this fashion stylist/consultant were to represent the Philippines in the world's biggest liar competition, I am sure that he would definitely bring home the gold medal. Lying is an art and unfortunately this stylist has not perfected this art. Let me share with you his Top 10 most famous lies:

Lie #1 
If he studied elementary and high school at DLSZ, then why did his school mates confirm that they graduated together from a school in Marikina? 

Lie #2 
If he lives on the 47th floor of Paragon Plaza, then why does Paragon Plaza have 42 stories?

Lie #3  
If his mom served as the ambassador to Spain, then why don't they have exactly identical last names? (His last name has De, the ambassador's last name did not)

Lie #4 
If his grandmother lives in Dasmarinas Village, then why does he ask friends to drop him off at the gasoline station outside Dasmarinas Village every time?

Lie #5 
If he was really off to LA that certain day, then why was he spotted by friends in a bar that same night?  (LA stands for Lower Antipolo not Los Angeles?) 

Lie #6 
If he never wears footwear that costs less than 10,000 Php, then why does he wear espadrilles? (Do espadrilles cost that much now?) 

Lie #7 
If he backpacked in Europe for two weeks, then why were there no photos? (His camera was busted?)

Lie #8 
If he has a collection of paintings by national artists in his Marikina stockroom, then why can't he show them to friends? (Paintings got submerged in water during a flood?)

Lie #9 
If his genuine gold Rolex watch broke into pieces during a car accident, then why can't he send it to the service center for repair? (He had the gold pieces melted and converted into a pendant?)

Lie #10 
If he really styled the photo shoot of Pussy Cat Dolls, then why don't I know what to say anymore?

Do you know this fashion stylist? I will give you a clue, he was punched on the face by an actor who has a twin brother outside a bar a few years back. He also hosted a fashion lifestyle television show.  

Follow me on twitter: micsylim and like fashionpulis on Facebook.  Send your stories to  I will be waiting.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stylist to the Matrons (Kilabot ng mga Matrona)

Stylists are interpreters of fashion. They select the wardrobe for advertising campaigns, television shows, music videos, concert performances, or any public appearances made by celebrities. Some stylists become personal shoppers of celebrities. This is why every fashionista should maintain stylist friends because they can always help resell unwanted fashion pieces.

A bag collector has been doing business with this certain stylist for more than two years. She has purchased several designer bags from him and he has also helped her sell some of her pre-loved bags. Her problem with him started when she entrusted him several designer bags amounting to 250,000 Php. She endorsed them to him before leaving for the U.S.A. for a vacation. When she came home after a few months, her attempts to get in touch with the stylist to check on the status of her bags all failed. The stylist ignored her SMS messages and phone calls. She never got back her bags nor received any payment.

This stylist also borrowed several items from a jewelry store to show to his clients. When the jewelry store owner was requesting him to return the items, he started ignoring her.  Out of anger, the owner sent SMS messages to their common friends informing them about the sad incident. She never heard from him again and never saw the items as well.

Apart from not returning bags and pieces of jewelry, this stylist is also known for selling bags and jewelry to his matron friends at exorbitant prices. He also has a habit of asking them for gifts. There was one time when he was a guest at the mansion of one his matron friends, he raided her closet and begged her for a Goyard bag. She ended up giving it to him.   

This male stylist's celebrity clients include a veteran television hostess and a young female pop singer from a giant television network. Do you know this stylist?

Follow me on twitter micsylim and like fashionpulis on Facebook.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The X Deal Queen

A barter is a method of exchange by which good or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without involving money. In marketing and advertising, the term ex-deal (exchange deal) is used more commonly.  An ex-deal would require the agreement of both parties involved in the situation.  Celebrities who go to designers for an ex-deal would tell them outright that they will acknowledge designers instead of paying cash.  Of course, it is the discretion of the designer to accept or not.

A stylist who used to work for a make-up brand would normally go to junior designers for clothes. At the onset, she would not inform these junior designer that these clothes will be paid on an ex-deal basis. When these clothes have been delivered, she will refuse to give payments. Instead, she would tell the junior designers that they will be acknowledged in the magazines. The stylist would go on saying that the publicity should be enough payment for them since they are new in the business.

To all the starting junior designers, I suggest you stay away from this abusive X-deal Queen. Ask the senior designers who she is, I am sure they know her very well.


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