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One of the hottest stories in the wedding industry is how a top-notch wedding vendor (WV) caught the infidelity of his wife via Facebook. When his wife recently left for an overseas trip, WV accidentally discovered several messages coming from a former Balikbayan client (BC) in the inbox of his wife’s account. WV got the shock of his life as he discovered the messages spoke of love and other vulgar subjects. In short, the wife and the BC were having an affair.
WV felt betrayed as he considered BC a friend. WV even worked for the successful staging of BC’s wedding in Manila. When WV’s wife stayed in the US for a few months more than two years ago, WV told BC to watch over her. Unfortunately, BC took it to heart and something happened between him and the wife of WV as early as then.
After his discovery of the vulgar messages, WV immediately called and confronted his wife about the affair who was in the US for a "convention" at that time. Right at that moment, WV ended his marriage. He was shocked when his wife told him for her, their marriage has long been over!
Later, WV was in contact with some common friends he had with BC and he got a most unexpected response when he relayed his problem. One of his friends said, “Pare, that story was so two years ago.”
On the other hand, BC’s marriage ended because the woman he married found him too lazy. WV is still working and his services are still very much in demand in the industry.