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Showing posts with label Politician. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Clever Performance

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While we are in the heat of mind-boggling corruption scandals in the political arena, let us have a little bit of dissection at one of the low profile politicians LP and his media wife MW.

Although married to a media personality, LP is quite low-key and hardly ever in the news. When some of his family members were once controversial, LP remained muted. Only when he ran for public office and won did he become to get noticed – for the wrong reasons.

Prior to politics, even while being married to MW, the family’s lifestyle was just regular by standards – as in ordinary middle class. She with her television commitments while he in his corporate world. But that isn’t so in the now. Some people within the couple’s circle have noticed a big difference ever since LP joined the political bandwagon.

Reportedly after winning the elections, LP and MW family’s lifestyle had drastically changed. For one, the once simple abode has now reportedly transformed into a mansion. Their kids now get to travel abroad as frequently as they like. One or two of them are currently enrolled in a prestigious university abroad. These and more happened within LP’s first term in office. Is this how lucrative being in government has become?

How much is the salary of an elected government official and a media person? Does that equate to something so huge as to afford such a lifestyle? Hmmm..quite seamless execution.

Some say that generally, LP’s side of the family is low profile at best, yet scandalously controversial at some point in time. Right now, it is the younger LP who is in the public eye, fueled as it is with the gigantic controversies that have surfaced in the recent past. Fortunately for him, compared to others who are similarly situated, LP is still out of the radar – for now.

“If you have sense enough to realize why flies gather around a restaurant, you should be able to appreciate why men run for office.” ~ Fanny Kemble

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Raising the Bar

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Controversy seems to be the middle name of Celebrity Host - CH. Then and now, she and the rest of her relatives are like magnets for most of the major issues in showbiz. Her youth and heyday were peppered with all sorts of controversies one after the other – CH seeming to thrive on it and becoming a veteran in the process. Back then, her every move was a fodder for gossip.

CH loved the high life so much that during those happier and wealthier days, she knew how to have big pleasures. Living life fabulously whether here or abroad in the company of friends was her passion.

Turning point came when she hit rock bottom. Not used to the life of a spartan, she was forced to do things to maintain her lifestyle - and gradually had to do it to survive – if only for the mouths who depended on her. As in a cliché – she had to swallow the bitter pill. One of them was hanging out with people old enough to be her father.

That time, she was a regular fixture in the gambling life of a rich and equally Controversial Politician – CP. CP always wanted CH to sit beside him while he was on the gaming (mahjong) table. It was common knowledge how scandalous and barbaric CP was, and still is, especially in treating women.

In between sips of wine, CP’s hand was busy with the gaming tiles while his other hand was also busy mashing CH’s privates - in full view of everyone present. Although really embarrassed in the beginning owing to her status in the industry, CH endured it or had gotten used to it. After all, the pay off was something she badly needed. As the saying goes – beggars can’t be choosers.

Now that the aging CP is not that gaming-busy anymore, the veteran CH doesn’t want to have anything to with him anymore. Wiser and bolder, CH has now returned to her previous love - a more lucrative profession where she won’t be as publicly exposed and embarrassed. Indeed, she gets to travel and paid handsomely, too. The oldest profession seems to really work for her.

"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world... Not even our troubles." ~ Charlie Chaplin 

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Friday, August 2, 2013

She’s Really Lacking Propriety

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After having been through controversial relationships, Dusky Beauty – DB seems unattached at the moment. But unlike most stars who thrive on publicizing their love affairs, DB strives to keep everything as private as possible, thus earning her the mysterious tag and the more apt - denial queen. But being quiet and mysterious don’t limit her from dating guys as she seems to be active in that department.

No wonder that ever since she joined showbiz, almost all of DB’s relationships became fodder for controversies – even without her meaning to. The gossip mill was abuzz with rumors of DB’s being a “material girl,” perhaps justifying her preference for certain character and types of men. Observers say that DB definitely goes for guys with deep pockets, hence the perceived label. Yet, DB is quick to deny that she is the materialistic kind. Uh oh, did I say that she was also tagged as denial queen?

It’s public knowledge that DB was once in a relationship with a political scion – PS, which she never really admitted. Even with her presence at the onset of PS biggest and major controversy years ago, DB kept denying everything, especially after the verdict had been handed down. It was during PS ordeal that DB was alleged to have severed her ties with him. When PS survived that crisis, people privy to him said he looked like a reformed man ready to change for good.

Here’s the gist: DB reportedly now wants to win back PS, especially after he scored a major victory in a recent contest. She is often rumored to be asking PS whereabouts among their common friends - and worse showing up uninvited in his events/parties. PS friends are definitely pissed, because they can smell some motives behind it.

Reportedly, PS wants to turn a new leaf, wanting to walk his talk as a show of gratitude to his supporters and followers who supported him all the way and to prove that he really means business. Quite obviously, DB’s recent acts are not helping him any. However, some curious minds are wondering what is prompting DB to go back to PS. “Clearly, it’s for the perks,” they alleged, “as in the past when she wallowed in the generosity of PS and family. “

As they say, you won’t miss anything you never had.

"Look at the means which a man employs, consider his motives, observe his pleasures. A man simply cannot conceal himself!" ~ Confucius

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Easy Returns after Election

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Political Figure PF had recently won in the last elections. After surviving and hurdling all the dirt thrown at him, PF had successfully trampled his rival for the nth time and emerged victorious in the contested position.

From the start, there had been a lot of misgivings and cynics who feel that PF won’t be able to win and deliver due to his past demeanors and controversies. And though PF has a considerable following, this fact alone doesn’t make a count all the time. What this country needs is a firm hand, as well as a hand that never dips into the public funds.

PF has professed to cooperate with his constituents and institute reforms. Truly, he was feeling the pressure from the huge expectation from the public.

In one event during the campaign, where PF and his Close Relative CR attended, they were overheard talking of loss of property and easy profit. To be specific, PF's relative was expressing her heartbreak for having to sell their property for the proceeds to be used for the campaign. PF casually brushed it off, and with full-confidence,told CR that she need not worry because, securing his seat meant that they will surely recover that financial loss in no time.

This appalling, sad revelation only add to the filth and crookedness that people associate with political leaders. PF had better not behave as if his term is a one, long shot take like in the films where he played the villain. He should just put his many cinematic portrayals as a protagonist, a father-figure, the brave soul who saves the day. In this case, he should allow his art to imitate life, for once.

"Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them." ~Aristotle

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Changing of the Guards

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When the entertainment and the political spheres collide, one can expect a media frenzy.

Gracious Politician – GP has been active in politics for many years, coming from a clan of political and business leaders. He has been very prolific in public service, passing laws and dedicating his life into many urgent and important advocacies. His family life seems to be on the upswing as well with lovely wife and children. GP has a  wholesome image, very approachable. But it was besmirched later on due to the wrong choices he has made.

Showbiz is nothing new to GP as he once had several television exposures in the past that tackled about something he was passionate about. Apart from some friends and colleagues, he also had some 'close friendships'  who are also from the industry. And when you move within the same circle for long, it is most likely that you'll meet many more celebrities of all shapes and ages.

One of those GP had the chance to meet was hunky actor HA who was introduced to him formally. HA is one of his network's prized talents. Although controversial in his own right, HA is a friendly kind and is definitely every girl's crush. His flirty nature is often misunderstood as being game 'though.

Last campaign season, HA was one of those contracted to campaign for GP in some of his sorties. It was allegedly in these events that GP and HA got the chance to bond and knew each other well. From then on, the two became  close - so close that HA is now intimately connected to GP secretly - as in very secretly.

"Even in the most infertile of all lands, a seed of love always grows." ~ Love Quotes

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Big Lust and Chivalry are Not Always Rosy

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Most times the issues of the election candidates are much hotter than the heat in the  campaign trail. Without a doubt, stories and rumors float every now and then about certain elected government officials. No one is spared as mudslinging and demolition jobs seem to be the rule rather than the exception.

A Head of robust City HC is getting dragged into a scandalous situation months into the election. HC is often seen with a very much Married Personality MP who denies that he is married, such that both he and HC are bold enough to be seen in public. But that is not the catch of the story. HC who is holding an elective post in a vibrant city is being intimate with MP whose very questionable background can break HC's political and moral reputation big time.

It was alleged that MP who is oozing with moolah showers HC with nothing but the best. Recently, he made an indecent proposal to her. Both of them went on an expensive holiday enroute to an Asian city on a private jet. It was a red carpet treatment all the way. Obviously, HC was beyond awed by all the trappings that went with that redezvous.

Amidst all the couple's excitement is a third party who is not exactly rejoicing -  yes, MP's Wife is furious. And the subject of her fury is not limited to her husband MP but more heavily on her perceived enemy - HC. The unmarried HC (marriage annulled) is now under the scrutiny of the Wife. Everything about her and MP reaches the Wife like greased lightning.

If the Wife gets justice from this, how traumatic and unfortunate it would be for HC's political future to be sullied that way. Indeed, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. You, better get that.

"I used to say that politics was the second-oldest profession. I have come to know that it bears a gross similarity to the first." ~ RonaldReagan

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

It Pays to Keep Your Cool

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Every election campaign season is a test of patience and endurance both for the candidates and the electorate as well. The candidates to survive the agonizing rigors of the campaign trail, and the electorate to endure the kind of candidates' profiles thrown at them – those that they see and hear on television, radio, and in social media every minute of their waking hours.

Candidates make sure no stones are unturned to be able to get that much-coveted seat. All that dancing, singing, “smiling like idiots” (to quote from Sen. Miriam Santiago) are clear manifestations as to the extent these candidates will go through for those very precious votes. Needless to say, the bottomless cash that keep changing hands from the top one up there to the lowliest kid on the street.
If only for these, elections are definitely more fun (and more funds) in the Philippines.

If you have insufficient cash and connections, it will be very hard to keep up with the game. That is why candidates take years to prepare and strategize. Strategizing will not only need money, but tons of patience as well. Veterans or newbies alike, candidates need a lot of exposure in all areas of media – print, radio, tv, social networks. Constant and relevant media exposure is battle half-won.

At a taping for a new network program for election candidates, a Political Reelectionist couldn’t hide his disgust and impatience after having been made to wait for his turn to be interviewed on the program. He was complaining about the long wait and wanted to be put on cue right away. Program staff had already explained to him that such couldn’t be accommodated since it was on a “first come-first served “ basis. But PR wouldn’t hear of it and without any warning, he walked out of the show -- still ranting non-stop.

All candidates go through a lot of sacrifices. Yet this early, PR wants to feel special. Wonder why he had to behave that way. Hasn't his years of battle to win a struggle not taught him that patience is indeed a virtue?

"I grew up with six brothers. That's how I learned to dance - waiting for the bathroom.” ~ Bob Hope

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Family Secrets Revealed

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While we watch soap operas for the drama, we often empathize with the underdog and cheer on whenever the lead character is able to traverse all the obstacles. The audience always loves to see how the rich crumble in these telenovelas. In the case of this wealthy clan, their lives are intertwined with events that can rival the best of these soaps.

As a well-known and well-admired clan, this family has dealings that are not showy or clouded in doubt. In fact, the family is closely-knit, and never has there been a scandal that made the headlines of newspapers. Of course, amidst the fame and wealth, the scandals are well kept secrets. For example, one of its scions (OS) died of mysterious circumstances but stories of alleged drug overdose pervaded at that time. His untimely death abruptly ended a blooming and promising political career. While everyone thought this scion left the world quietly, rumors have it that he left a child.

While this child has now grown, hardly did this child enjoy any recognition from the alleged father’s family. The mother is an ordinary woman who does not seem to have any lineage nor wealth to boast of at that time. Hence, the family allegedly never acknowledged the situation, but never did they deny anything as the affair between the mother and OS was out in the open at that time.

Is this the family secret that would haunt the political career of another scion (AS) of the said family? For the superstitious, is this the family secret that will prevent AS from achieving the position that he has been aspiring? If indeed the child is that of the late scion, should not the family recognize the child’s existence?

''Principles do not mainly influence even the principled; we talk on principle, but we act on interest.'' - Walter Savage Landor

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

It Takes a Man and Another Man

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As always, mix of showbiz and politics is getting to be a dime a dozen, especially so in the coming months, for all the right and wrong reasons. But of late, the mix between same gender is getting to be a fad, haven't you noticed?

TV Host TH is without a doubt one of the hunkiest personalities. Most admirers watch his show primarily to see him in action. Others even go to the extent of visiting him on his location shoot just to see him in the flesh. Just like what this former Public Servant PS does quite often.

TH and PS in the shoot may not actually invite gossip had their actions and eye movements not give any hints. Busy PS would drop by under the pretext of a project he was collaborating with TH. The said project happens to be a business venture -- their joint business venture!

PS have put up a big investment for the said project which is quite ambitious to begin with. In the first place, that was a clever move to have a business/project together so that sightings of them together will not be suspicious at all.

The happily married PS' sexual preference has been in question several times in the past. But owing to his powerful status, it has always been put aside. TH and PS were often seen before with friends on several occasions, but it is only lately that their "friendship" seems to have reached a different level.

With this, expect to see more tonques wagging, tears falling, especially from the screaming female fans of TH who feel that he should belong to them. But of course kibitzers will always have a say "It takes a woman to make a straight man whole." But not all men are the same. Some are real, some are not. Some have pockets, some have deep pockets.

"A part of you has grown in me, together forever we shall be, never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart." - Anonymous

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Is it Their Fate?

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This controversial public figure PF is a quiet and unassuming guy. He lives a lavish lifestyle owing to his -- some say --- very questionable source/s of income. Yet, despite the controversies, he gets off the hook and gets away with it. PF's wife though more in the limelight than him, is also unassuming, someone who would not want to call attention to herself.

Although he has lots of flamboyant friends, PF is but unlike them. The notoriously elusive is quite successful at dodging the public eye. Such that his many extra curricular activities are rarely publicly known.

PF maintains a "kingdom" where he and he alone is king. In there, he gets to do whatever he wants, far from the madding crowd. But of course, the king gets sad when he is alone. Therefore, he needs company every now and then. Frequently, beautiful faces are seen going in and out of the kingdom. And why not? The man's generosity is bottomless. Name it, they all kowtow to him - showbiz personalities, notably those has-beens who have no projects, a media personality (believe it or not), and some other members of the industry, both popular and not.

One day, this "has been" performer HP arrived at the kingdom. She went upstairs of the huge mansion. After spending a few hours there, she went by the stairs holding in her hand what looked like a paper bag full of cash (transactions are always done in cash). As she was descending the stairs to leave, she saw a familiar-looking television personality TP at the foot of the stairs who was about to go up. Their eyes met -- and the sight of each other obviously shocked them... in a major way. Both must have felt disabled for awhile for they wouldn't know whether to continue negotiating the stairs -- or just totally vanish and forget they ever met.

Do you know them all?

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Defiant Daughter

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How far will one go for love? Many years ago, a sexy actress left the peak of her career to be with her boyfriend who happened to be an heir to the family fortune. Since the sexy actress was not to the liking of his family, the boyfriend was disowned and disinherited. His family owned one of the big businesses in the food industry. The couple left for abroad and lived a normal life. Years later, the family softened up and the boyfriend, now husband, was taken back into the fold. It did help that their first-born happened to be male, too.

There's a similar story now circulating in business and media. The recent buzz is that the unica hija (UH) of one of the country’s billionaire families had been disinherited allegedly because she chose to love the son (TS) of one of most controversial government figures. The father of TS is embroiled in several lawsuits that questioned funds disbursements at the office he used to head.

Earlier this year, UH got introduced to the public when she ventured into popular media where she was warmly welcomed. Everyone assumed that this move was a prelude to her being groomed to take over the political career of her parents. Months passed, an online newspaper column named her as having left the family nest to move in with boyfriend TS. He is quite good looking, but his looks, political platform and connections were not enough to win a post in the previous election versus a well-entrenched political family.

In a very recent political exercise, where family members were expected to be with the candidates, UH was conspicuously absent. Considering that she is the only daughter, people were asking why she wasn't with her parents, especially since this was a milestone for her mother?

Are all the rumors of UH going against her parents, moving out of the family mansion, choosing to love someone the parents do not approve of, and disinheritance all true? Is it true that UH and TS already  got married in very simple rites? Pretty soon, the media will start hounding her parents who are celebrity figures in their own right.

We hope this story has a happy ending much like the happiness the sexy actress and her husband now have.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

This Public Servant is in Love with You, Pare!

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Public Servant PS is rumored to be so in love with an athlete AL, a graduating student in one of Manila's better schools. PS generously showers AL with everything to keep him. As a matter of fact, only very recently, the couple flew out of the country to go shopping in a "fine" city. PS and AL had the best time bonding and PS made sure that they got billeted in one of the city's top hotels. AL got to shop till he dropped, if only to make it worth the trip and to make PS happy, too.

You might wonder who PS is. Yes, PS is a 'he' - married to a pretty unassuming woman PW and has kids. As a politician, he has no-nonsense advocacies that he strongly supports. As a private person, he is well-respected in his community and is known to be a good family man. But some rumors are persistent as far as his personal choices are concerned.

His affair with AL is very much kept in secrecy, especially so that elections is forthcoming and rumors like this is definitely unwelcome. But those privy to PS' choices symphatize with PW who they think doesn't deserve it. Some even naughtily quipped that maybe there's some truth to innuendos that PS and PW are hardly into intimacy anymore.

Indeed, how hard is it for any wife to be similarly situated? On the other hand, is it true that there are some wives of gays who would rather prefer it that way over a womanizing husband, believing that they can not be blamed under such a circumstance? Care to share, dear FP readers?

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Keeping Her Out of His Work

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When people found out that public servant (PS) and television personality (TP) were in a relationship, cynicism and ill wishes prevailed. Comments, such as they would not last because PS was rumored to be a playboy, while TP's known to be stubborn. Then, his family became the subject of hushed rumors, because allegedly, the clan was against the relationship. Kibitzers attributed it to the fact that PS belonged to a “royal family,” while TP was a “commoner.” There were even stories, like his mother did not like the way TP conducted herself and the way she treated ordinary people. However, unknown to most, it was really love for PS and TP. They were seen around dating, yet they kept a low profile. Their wedding was simple, yet it had to be one of the most watched events at that time.

PS had political ambitions and TP was thought to be the person who would be able to help him win a higher office. Unfortunately, TP, as she said in interviews, opted for a low profile during political sorties. Even if she were already secure in the family, TP still kept her own world and career, but she did have her own sacrifices. As always, rumors began to haunt their happy marriage. When confronted with a rumor linking PS with other women, TP did not bother to react to it in a way rumor mongers expected. She dismissed it because she knew the truth. She and PS were happy together.

A reality check shows that TP is not really someone who can charm her way and get much sympathy. Simply put, it is not her style. She is not docile. She will speak her mind and is often brutally frank. Meanwhile, politics is now beckoning PS. It seems that the family is indeed bent on him running for higher office. And this early, there are already humps that need to be addressed. Family of PS is allegedly convincing him to make it appear that something is not well between him and TP. This scenario will justify why TP would not be around during the campaign season. The family thinks TP lacks mass appeal and is often branded as “maldita." In short, his family believes that her presence might jeopardize his political plans, and that's the last thing that they need at this point. Yet the truth is beyond politics - TP and PS are still together.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Desirable Model and the Upstart Public Servant

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Model host (MH) is frequently seen with a public servant (PS) from the south. While MH is currently single, PS is likewise separated from his wife. MH and PS are often spotted in public places, and even in government gatherings that PS goes to. The presence of MH in the event did not escape the media who covered one gathering they went to one time. When asked if they were a couple, MH said they were just going together. PS replied that he agrees with whatever MH says.

Although MH and PS might look like a would-be couple, the people in the area of PS are doubtful. Being a young politician, PS has already shown signs of lavish and flamboyant lifestyle. He wears designer clothes that cost way above the salary of the average public servant. People observe that PS is trying to be as flashy in his appearances as much as the public personality (PP) he admires. PP is a local but world-famous celebrity owing to his exceptional skills. The public knows that PP can spend as much because he earns astronomical sums of money. PS has been criticized to be living an “imeldific life” for him to be accepted by the tight community of the young politicians.

Where does MH fall in this scheme? To be seen with MH creates an image for PS. Her presence attracts attention for the both of them. Since MH is a celebrity, associating with her can add to PS' name recall come election time. On another side, allegedly, PS also swings both ways. Hence, being seen with MH can help quash such rumors and project a somewhat playboy image for him. A similar rumor cites that the reason for his failed marriage is that his wife allegedly caught him with a male lover. Thus, this arrangement with MH works very well: PS projects the image he wants, while MH gets handsomely paid. If love manages to enter into the picture (MH seems to fall in love quickly), then it might be good as such a relationship can be very favorable for both.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Nothing Cheesy Happening?

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Zeroing in on a Legitimate Deal

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Generally, a contractor is someone who supplies merchandise or service in exchange for a certain amount of money. Contractors are mostly found in places where businesses thrive. Sometimes, their offers are too good to pass and both parties get more than what they expect. Take the case of a certain public official (PO).

PO is a celebrity in his own right who has connections with local showbiz people. He is rich, powerful and has good looks. PO is also quite happily married and his wife often makes public pronouncements about their wonderful marriage.

Sometime ago, PO was approached by one of these contractors. These contractors are beautiful women whose goal is to convince people, like PO, to grant them projects officially or to give them money unofficially. The contractors will use everything they could, including going to bed with their would-be benefactors. Unfortunately, PO was not able to escape the charms of one of these contractors. Although the contractor is married and has a kid, it did not matter to PO. He and his contractor even had a rendezvous somewhere near his home province. The wife did not suspect anything because it was normal in the line of work of PO to return to his province every so often. Besides, she was busy with her own successful project as well.

Sadly, just to make a living, these contractors allow themselves to move from one colleague of to another. Yes, PO’s contractor is not exclusively his.

Let this BI be a warning to the wives who think their husbands are dealing with harmless contractors for the sake of projects for their hometowns. Not all contractors are as what people think they are.


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