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Showing posts with label Celebrity. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Win Him Back!

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Model / Endorser ME and Wealthy Celebrity WC were a sight to behold in the early years of their relationship. Observers noted that ME and WC not only looked awesome together but were also perfectly matched as far as their interests and backgrounds were concerned. It was indeed a comfortable relationship for this beautiful twosome.

However, years of being in a high profile relationship could have stressed and pressured them such that in the last few months, there were rumors of ME and WC breaking up, and then getting back together after a while. Those privy to the couple felt that such was a preview of things to come.

Heard from a reliable information that it was WC who wanted ME out of his life. Allegedly, he already felt tired and consumed, admitting that their long relationship had already seen better days. Yet from the looks of it, it is allegedly ME who still wants the relationship to work out. It is reportedly for this reason why ME seems to be more noticeably clingy towards WC. In times that he would want to be left alone, ME would allegedly just appear from nowhere to the surprise of WC. So unlike in the past, it is now ME who would be seen exerting every effort to keep the relationship from turning ugly.

Nowhere was this more obvious than when ME was spotted at the event of WC’s relative held somewhere in the north. Being privy to the status of the couple’s relationship, quite a number of WC’s relatives were raising eyebrows by ME’s sudden showing of “kind and caring gesture” towards the Matriarch of the Clan MC - which to them looked like insincere.

Some guests quipped that it was so out of ME’s character to be doing such, including her over-eagerness to assist MC wherever she was, feeling like a PA who would even go up and down the staircase with MC.

Uh oh…is ME really that scared of losing WC? Geez! I don’t have the answer.

" Nothing that lasts is ever easy and nothing that is easy ever lasts. "

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Friday, January 3, 2014

Annoying Flight Behavior

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Traveling via planes is a luxury for most people, but for others, riding a plane is like riding a jeepney. In riding a plane, certain decorum is observed and practicing basic courtesy should not exempt any passenger regardless of position or popularity. Unless one has a private plane, anyone riding on a regular plane should be mindful of other passengers and the crew as well.

Feisty Celebrity (FC) who has been lying low the past year was spotted on a local flight sometime ago. Seeing FC in such a flight is not uncommon as FC has always been known to fly often from Manila to nearby city. While FC has made the short flight several times, the flight crew were still on their toes attending to this and that requests of FC.

During the short flight, FC's behavior managed to catch the attention of other passengers. Passengers who were familiar with the reputation of FC were no longer bothered. Unfortunately, on the flight were some passengers who were not familiar with the outspoken reputation of FC, and they were annoyed at the way FC called for the crew. They also felt that FC would look their way from time to time as if she was sizing them up.

In short, serenity of the short ride was disturbed by the voice of FC. These passenger wondered if FC usually behaved in this way at each flight FC takes. Then if that's the case, it's unfortunate to be seated near FC on a long haul flight.

While FC has contributed much to the colorful controversies in showbusiness, FC's reputation borders on the funny, rude and honest side. On the one hand, FC can be the most caring person who will do everything for her loved ones while on the other hand, FC can be a very annoying enemy whether it be online or in the real world.

You can be strong and true to yourself without being rude or loud. - Paula Radcliffe

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Could this be Another Extraordinary Liking?

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Call it evolution, but gone are the days when showbiz/fashion make-up artists aka MUA were cross-dressers dolling themselves up in full female regalia. Generally, today's MUA look like hot men with impeccable taste for everything nice and classy. They look like your boy-next-door celebrity, and yes, they are so "crushable" making girls, and even gays (especially closet gays) swoon, or at the very least, have a secret crush on them.

Popular Celebrity PC has a Favorite MUA FM in the person of a relatively good looking guy whose irresistible charm knows no gender. Apart from that, FM's skills and excellence in make-up have made him as one of best in the industry. As one belonging to the new breed of young competent MUA in the industry, FM's expertise is most-sought after in magazine cover shoots, television commercials, movies, television programs, among others.

For FM to become the favorite of PC is a no brainer. In the industry that thrives a lot on physical looks, PC's vanity goes overboard, sparing nothing, making no stones unturned just to look beautiful. Beauty is PC's passion, and she walks her talk. Which is why, FM is a constant presence in PC's shows, shoots and other events. Needless to say that the loveteam er..Other Half OH of PC also gets to see FM regularly.

FM's frequent presence in his and PC's activities has reportedly made OH take a "liking". It can be recalled that OH's preference has been quite questionable for the longest time, to which OH, as expected, reacts with utmost denial. But as they say, actions speak louder than words, don’t you think?

Allegedly, OH sent flowers to FM to thank him for always making PC pretty every time FM touched her face. Also written on the card accompanying the flowers were words - " take care you look good." At another time, OH reportedly invited FM to dinner at a popular restaurant with him on board FM's car. Hmmm. Do we hear another secret thing in the making?

" The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. " ~ Richard Back

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Can Not Break It Gently

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In the beginning, many thought that the relationship between Playful Celebrity PC and Talented Singer TS was one for keeps. Their friends in and out of showbiz witnessed how almost perfect the couple’s commitment was. PC and TS looked good together, with PC getting some good points for being the ultimate gentleman.

Through the years, the relationship withstood the test of time, though it required supreme sacrifices for PC. In today’s generation, such an arrangement is almost nil. It can only take a lot of commitment for the man to make it work – especially for the likes of PC. But as some observers would claim - miracles do happen. Sure it did, but not for long.

And before cynics could even begin to say their piece, PC and TS soon headed to splitsville.

Their fans/followers did not see it coming, of course. But after the break-up sank in in the everyone’s consciousness, PC and allies were quick to the draw denying the existence of a 3rd party. But not long after, photos of PC with alleged Third Party TP in their many out-of-town sightings together soon became hot copies.

After all was said, seen and done, the rumor allegedly became the irreversible truth – that PC and TP are indeed a couple. Talks have it that PC’s weakness found solace in TP’s gullibility and adventurism. Their friendship soon developed into something else. Before long, everything just came into play.

Reportedly, TP’s wild side became the unwitting solution to PC’s yearning. Every chance they got, her antics during those private moments with PC blew his mind away - in great, lustful proportions. Times like this happening so often took its toll on TS and PC’s relationship. Certainly, one cannot love two people at the same time, with same intensity, for the same reason.

In this case, earthly desires overpowered whatever sound reason there was.

"Is there anything better than to be longing for something, when you know it is within reach? " ~ Greta Garbo

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Friday, October 4, 2013

A Catastrophic Affair

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Amid all the controversies generated by their relationship, hope springs eternal for this Celebrity Couple (CC). ‘You and me against the world’ was the peg for the Boy (B) and Girl (G) whom most people have branded as a most-unlikely couple for many reasons. Yet the CC's commitment to each other is as solid as a rock, that continues to be stronger by the day.

For the longest time, people close to G always had reservations towards B whom they felt was only out to use G for his personal interest. His alleged chronic attitude and were of no help to calm them down. Yet, even from G's camp, there were also malicious talks that B was up for a personal gain in committing herself to him. Using G's penchant for good looks, and her past affairs as their benchmark, her bashers said that no way can B ever measure up.
However, if reports are to be believed, G's loved ones did have a point in rejecting B. Apart from what were already exposed, which were barely scratching the surface - there were also accusations of B being an womanizer. Reports had it that one of the many reasons why his Former Partner FP gave up on B was because of his alleged philandering. Many were privy to B's unlimited appetite for the femme fatale - of all shapes and sizes. He has been in this for so long so much so that he had reportedly contracted a disease. The blow to FP was so serious, the last straw for her to finally call it quits.

At the moment, B & G are taking their sweet time savoring every moment proving their detractors wrong. Meanwhile, they better be consistent as one bad move is reason enough for these critics to gloat to their content.

"The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances." ~ Aristotle

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Not Giving It All

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No job is perfect - even the best and coolest jobs have their downside. No matter how attractive one's job is, there will always be bumps that you wish were not there. But if you are a professional who love your job - no bump is too hard to hurdle.

Hosting is one of the most fun (if not glamorous) jobs one can ever have. Whether one is hosting a television show or an event, there is nothing like being at the center of it all while connecting to a live, receptive audience. Being the master of ceremony, the competence of the host is paramount to the success and failure of the program. The energy of the show will depend on how professional and skillful the host is - the more energy he/she puts in, the more likely the event will be successful.

Sometimes 'though, there are small glitches that happen along the way - like a slight change in the chronology of the program, the names of people to be called, and the like. Usually, these are not that huge as to turn the program upside down. There will always be changes on site, and hosts should be flexible. After all, it's such a small sacrifice for a job that pays well.

Being well-connected, this popular Celebrity Host CH gets to host several big campaigns and corporate events. Owing to her celebrity status, CH is paid a lot bigger than ordinary hosts. Some say that it's only her name – not necessarily her skill or lack of it, that CH banks on and gives her the edge over the competition. While she scores big on the former, she fails on the latter - a number of her clients have soon realized.

CH got a big project to host an event of a multinational company. It was a big corporate gathering that showcased the milestones of the company internationally. However, when the show began, CH displayed such attitude that pissed off the organizers, and later on, the client.

Reportedly, CH got annoyed with the changes in the spiels and greetings of the program. She refused to adjust to the program and heed the instruction thus putting the event in jeopardy. The organizers, as well as the company executives were extremely upset with CH's attitude, wondering why she couldn’t even deliver something that's part of her job. Allegedly, some executives even complained at how boring CH handled the whole event.

Expectedly, when the same client recently launched a big company breakthrough, the name of CH was already deleted as host. Overheard that the company executives were really disappointed - did not want a repeat of the same - CH's attitude and performance.

“A professional is someone who can do his best work even when he doesn’t feel like it.” ~ Alistair Cooke (1945 )

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Disturbing Ego

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How would you feel if you find out that a Popular Celebrity PC' s conceit has reached horrible proportions? The once very professional and disciplined PC is alleged to have been causing so much stress to the people she works with in most of the projects she is part of.

At a recent mall tour somewhere up north, call time was set at 4pm, but the power tripper PC arrived at almost 9pm. And when she got to the venue, she had the nerve to nag the people there for having failed to announce - err trumpet her arrival. The whole production was aghast.

What PC didn’t know was that prior to her arrival, the events host almost walked out of the event - so tired and almost losing her voice from hours of talking to entertain the audience while waiting for her to come. Even the mall management, as well as the staff of the movie company that led the promotion of PC' s movie there, took pity on the host.

Talks have it that the very reason why PC had never been heard to be in any commitment ever since is because of her alleged quirkiness. Reportedly, PC is a notorious faultfinder and can not take anything good-naturedly. Just recently, PC was talked about among some movie scribes for making life difficult for her assistant, always making a big deal out of nothing.

Her colleagues in an organization she was once part of attested to how PC was difficult even then, which was why they were quite surprised to know that she appears so friendly and funny on camera, as opposed to her real persona back then as being stiff, detached with no eye contact. Looks like nothing had changed in the way things were.

" Fame can be very disruptive. It can be like a drug. It gives you the feeling that you're happy, it gives you the feeling of self-importance, it gives you the feeling of fullfilment... but it can distract you from what is really important." ~ Madonna

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Going for Plan B

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Controversial Celebrity CC had been frequently spotted in an Asian country AC the last couple of months. Those who saw her there wonder out loud what she was doing there when she had hardly any project or endorsement that would require her presence in AC for a shoot or campaign. Oh, which suddenly brings to mind, could it be the very reason why she was often seen there in the first place? Is there a certain ‘project’ on-going in AC? Uh oh – can’t resist to be malicious at this point.

It had been a long, dry spell of projects for CC for many months now. Things went from bad to worse when she transferred from Major Network MN to Promising Player PP. As is the culture in show business, your name can only take you so far – in the long and short of it, it is always talent that will prevail.

Suffice it to say that no matter the name and connections, CC did not make the cut. She was jobless for so long, something she can’t afford to be because she has children to feed. What’s next step? As in most showbiz vixens, there will always be a plan B - if you get the drift.

Looks like CC conducts her “business deals” in AC where it is most convenient. Reportedly, her high profile clients also prefer to deal with her in AC for more privacy. Hmmm, seems like the trade has been so lucrative. Does this explain why CC lives in style inspite of the long dry spell?

“There is never a better measure of what a person is than what he does when he is absolutely free to choose." ~ Bulger, William M.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Jaw-dropping Trip

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Demanding Celebrity DC is someone who is often peppered with nasty comments from people who associate her with notoriety. Ever since she hit big time, DC had began acquiring attitudes which are at best, annoying. DC feels such conceit and grandeur as if anything that is done or connected to her must be something grand, expensive and flamboyant. She makes no bones about making unreasonable demands everytime she is tasked to do a shoot, hosting gig, pictorial, among many others. She would fuss over many little things until she gets her way.

DC has a forthcoming tv show which is something different, a deviation from her usual forte that she hasn’t done yet. During the negotiations for the new show NS, DC specified her demands, among them - she will have her own team to style her and do her makeup every episode taping. Her own team are all top names in their field, aka pricey - something that the production PR balked at because NS is no variety show that would merit a budget for DC’s big demands. In fact, DC knows that shows like NS runs on low budget and has short airtime only.

Unfortunately, DC who some people label as undeserved entitlement personified, has incurable desire to always look glam in any show, regardless of. Too bad for her this time – PR is not biting on her demands. DC has no choice but to push through with NS – whether she feels doll or dull.

“Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.” ~ John Wooden

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

She's No Do-Gooder

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Are celebrities expected to lift a hand for a fan who is in dire need of it? Are fans supposed to expect help from their idols when the urgency of the problem proves to be threatening?

This maybe answered depending on one’s culture and tradition. But the truth is: Fans evolve, and so do celebrities. Fans of today are quite a mile away from those of decades ago.

Similarly, fans are generally passionate about everything that concerns their idol. These are the people who will defend their idol to death – at all cost – hook, line and sinker. Observers  no longer call it admiration - but obsession - fanaticism – ready to face and prove to anyone that their idol can do no wrong.

Stars and celebrities treat their fans in various ways. Some treat them as such - fans - with a dividing line careful not to go overboard to protect the their privacy. There are also stars who treat them as family, a part of their entourage wherever they go because trust is so well-placed.

Today’s fans are very demonstrative, unbelievably generous - spending bottomless to buy their idol anything to make their star happy and remember them (the fans) more. For all the names that they are called – fanatics, devotees – there’s no denying that fans are the most invaluable allies any celebrity can ever have.

But what if such fans are the ones needing help? Should celebrities help? Are they expected to?

Major celebrity MC has a fans club whose active member AM was stricken ill and had incurred huge hospital bills in her confinement.  AM had extreme financial difficulty, thus her fellow members FM tried hard to raise funds for her. Unfortunately, the funds were so short to cover up the problem.

The problem was urgent and serious, and they had no more option left but to ask help from MC. Although very shy to approach MC, FM did it in the hope that it would in a way help alleviate the problem. After all, AM is known to MC since she and FM are a constant presence in all of MC’s major events and activities.

Upon being informed of the situation, MC allegedly approached and convinced a close relative CR that they should help AM. However, CR put her foot down - she was not convinced with the idea and told MC that it would only set a precedent for other fans to do the same – to ask them for help everytime. But MC argued with CR, saying that the fan is a valued one, and she had every right to help anyone she wishes – it’s her money anyway. But as expected - CR, true to form - was unmoved.

Hardworking MC lost to dependent  CR for the nth time – what else is news?

“ My fans, they are the reason I exist.” ~  Katy Perry

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Raging Horse's Stable

Brother celebrities BC1 and BC2 were the toast of the town when they came to the country and joined the fashion industry. Being extremely attractive helped them clinched some modeling projects which were quite attractive for newbies like them.

Apart from modeling, BC1 and BC2 are also into sports. Being busier now and having accumulated more stuff in the process, the brothers felt the need to transfer to a bigger and more spacious dwelling.

Not long after and without any warning at all, BC1 was caught by surprise when BC2's model-girlfriend GF later decided to join in and live with them. Needless to say, it became a semi-live in arrangement between BC2 and GF.

Not wanting to antagonize BC2, BC1 accepted the set-up and discomfort of having somebody else live with them. It was alright in the beginning, but as days went by, GF began acting like a diva. Bereft of etiquette and a sense of consideration, GF hardly helps in the house chores and just watches the brothers do everything - even womanly chores at that.

GF often calls the shots which BC2 tolerates - to BC1's disgust. The animosity among them strained the once solid bond between BC1 and BC2 - all because of GF's presence in their lives.

Days passed, GF was becoming a nightmare. When BC1's girlfriend BG came a visiting one day, GF was so furious when she arrived seeing BG's car parked in her slot. Short of giving BG and BC1 a mouthful, GF made them feel her wrath by rudely stomping her big feet and making face as she entered the house.

Not content with that, revengeful GF padlocked the door one night when BC1 went out with friends. BC1 came home furious, unable to enter the house and decided to spend the night at a friend’s house instead.

GF has succeeded in brainwashing BC2 to her side everytime, to the extent that the brothers no longer talk to each other even during practices. This has certainly alarmed their family, who with the brothers’ well-meaning friends are concerned and want BC1 and BC2 to settle their dispute immediately. But how can they, when allegedly it is GF who is getting in the way.

Blood is thicker than water - so they say – but not when the water gives the horse so much strength to give anyone she hates a big kick. Horsepower, anyone?

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life

Tara Reid

Scarlett Johannson


Kate Moss 


Cameron Diaz



Alicia Keys


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Is She Ready?

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The essence of being a woman -- a phrase that in all likelihood often brings motherhood to mind. Yes, inspite of the frenzy and madness of the world we live in, no matter the consequences and situations, we will never be wanting of women who dream to be able to nurture and give life in their lifetime. To many, it is the culmination of being a woman. Motherhood is a gift like no other.

Controversial Personality is gearing up for a major medical procedure soon. According to sources, CP is seriously preparing herself up for this "big personal project" that will yet be the biggest milestone in her life should it become successful. She had been happily married for years, but feels that having a child of her own will be the sweetest icing on her cake.

Years ago, CP had been vocal about her desire to have a child. This she proclaimed before she even got married. Unfortunately, the years past her by without realizing it. Although she once tried going under a procedure before, but after the anxious waiting, nothing came out of it -- she was devastated. But she hasn't given up, in fact she's getting really more serious now as she is already advancing in age.

Her privileged and understanding husband seems open and supportive of his wife's wishes. After all, they know their limitations, and while they still can and have the resources for it,it's all systems go.

This development will surely create a loud stir among CP's haters, and there are a lot of them. CP has been an enduring fixture in her industry, fearless and daring in all her advocacies. Will she be as fearless and daring on this one?

"It is WHY this leap into the unknown is so worth doing. There is nothing in my life that compares with that single moment, and never will be."

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Monday, January 14, 2013

A Secret Affair, A Secret Deal

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Sometime ago, a Popular Singer and actress PS was almost engaged to be married to her non-showbiz Boyfriend BF of many years. But sadly, and to everyone's shock, all those years just ended up in splitsville. No reason was given.

After the split, PS continued with her showbiz career, and BF with his. Not long after, BF who worked somewhere decided to stay in town for good and was reported to be exploring on a new path -- to head a showbiz enterprise. Not a few eyebrows were raised, questioning his fitness to embark on something that's such a far cry from his professional training.

Back to the present. The gossip mill has been on fire for days with a Star's TS damaging expose on her unsettled grievances versus the people she had trusted. Her word against theirs. Public was treated to a buffet of dizzying versions of the scandal. Everyone had seen the surface. But has anyone tried to scratch the bottom? Let us see.

Mrs. Career Woman MC who is close to showbiz powerful is allegedly "involved" with the now married BF who heads the enterprise. BF now does good business with MC who helps him ink transactions through her big connections. But their business dealings have been stepping on not a few toes who bear the brunt of being dislodged from their comfort zones the moment they try to question MC and BF. The scheme allegedly had been grossly disadvantageous to the people involved such that those who could not stand the heat, chose to get out of the kitchen before they get burned. But the rest -- the "no choice" ones, just grin and bear it.

But not the one stubborn antagonist SA whose many interests are in grave conflict with both MC's and BF's. SA who is the principal author of the major chaos within the organization, had allegedly secretly manipulated everything by conveniently using a "dummy" to expose and shame MC and BF -- while she watched. The astute SA who has her own gigantic family issue as well, tried to soften the blow by focusing on the affairs and dealings of MC and BF. How clever!

And TS, the gullible dummy, who is like a basketball dribbled back and forth, is the one most heavily wounded in this spectacle. Will she be able to bounce back after the game? We will watch.

"The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell." Confucious

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Getting Into His Soul

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Media Celebrity MC tries very had to project a positive aura, one that is warm especially to his friends and followers. Apart from that, MC appears to be a decent guy who will not be caught engaged in public scandals. So when stories get around that he is into something not nice, people are not biting it easy.

MC was recently somewhere up in one of the country's most popular tourist destinations. There, MC bumped into some hot athletes HA from a certain university whom he invited for the an intimate party. He wanted these boys to join him, so he thought of using his hot girls friends HG as well, as bait and attraction to these guys so that they would be enticed more to participate.

At the venue, MC was extra chatty with the HA, partying with the booze and sounds to complete it. Throughout the party, MC was extraordinarily friendly with HA who felt obliged, since they find MC to be kind and fun to be with. Apart from that, HA enjoyed the company of the young HG who were just as cool.

While in the heat of the party, everyone was surprised that MC tried to pass around something " prohibited." Of course, the very disciplined athletes as they are, the HA's who come from a reputable university turned it down. But the persistent MC tried to sweet talk them into it, but the boys stood their ground and said no. Some HG had some of the stuff and went really wild that night.

Did MC's action signify something more than what the public already know about him? Is he, of all people also into "it" as well? Career-wise, he seems okay, but is he on the personal front? Are his problems as huge as his persona?

"Best friends are the soul mates for each other." - Anonymous

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bordering on Earthly Desires

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A few years ago, comedy performer (CP) might have gotten her way with her male co-host (MH) in a successful series that was considered a breakthrough for the network. At that time, CP had an overwhelming crush on MH. CP cannot be blamed for her feelings as MH is the boy-next-door type, fun, and well-mannered. A very competent host, MH handled the shows entrusted to him with aplomb. Although he tried acting, it was never his genre.

Adding to his appeal is the challenge that must have enticed CP. MH has a relationship and was never rumoured to have been disloyal. In one of their out of town tapings, CP kept teasing and flirting with MH. For the production, the actions of CP were normal as she has always been funny on and off camera. In other words, there was no cause for alarm, and thus no one minded CP.

On their last night at the location, CP knocked at MH's room. Then the following morning, someone saw CP coming out of MH's room. When asked by the staff what happened, CP quipped with her deadpan style, “Finally, Papa MH gave in!”

Did MH really give in to CP, who is not exactly known as a saint? Did MH's partner learn of his alleged “indiscretion?" Or was CP just imagining things? At any rate, MH and partner's relationship is solid as a rock as to get affected. But then - who are we to say?

If the treasure box is open, even the most upright will sin.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Letter from a Reader: Ooops! ... He Did It Again!

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Dear Fashion PULIS,

Hi FP. I am an avid reader of your blog. I just want to share a story. We had the voices songs and rhythms during a festival 2012 held here in our province. I was part of the logistics team of the said event.

Our governor requested this perfomer PE to be one of the hosts of the event together with a beauty queen BQ. The call time was at 7pm, latest was 8pm. The event was star-studded with music industry veterans as judges, politicians and other stars. It was already 9pm but PE had not arrived yet because "traffic daw." The organizers had no choice but to start the program even without him.

We were very disappointed. PE didn't show any professionalism at all. The event was not his own show where he can afford to be late and be excused. Ours is a special gathering of people celebrating our festival. PE had no respect for people who trusted him enough to be part of this special occasion, most especially to our hardworking governor and the provincial staff who took great pains to make the event a big success. And also to our guests and performers, most of whom came all the way from Manila, too, and like PE had encountered traffic as well, but arrived way ahead of him. These were the people na pinaghintay nya.

BQ also had a hard time hosting because the script was written for both her and PE. People said that PE was complacent since he was close to our governor daw. But that is no excuse to abuse such closeness, if true. PE arrived around 9:30-10 pm already. Thanks, but thanks!

Hope that next time he gets invited again, PE will be more professional and respectful of people.

Thank you, Fashion PULIS, for publishing my letter. More power to you!

Respectfully yours,

Note: Letter is edited for brevity

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Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hold Your Horses, Dude!

At this time of the year, major television networks are busy with a thousand and one holiday events. One of those is usually a yearender affair, a gathering of its stable of stars.

During such network's event held recently, a male singer MS was furious upon seeing what looked like trash placed on his dressing room area. Immediately he posted this photo and message on his social networking site. The one whom he was alluding to, a fast-rising actor FA read the message and quickly approached MS and said, " Bro, I didn't intend to put trash on your dressing room area. I just left it there for the meantime because I had to hurry out for something important. But I sure will return to get it, like right now. "

MS was obviously embarrassed. Apparently, he didn't ask around first, and instead used his networking site to whine and rant publicly over such petty stuff.

For MS: Think before you click.

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Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Fate or faith - what brought about Manny Pacquiao's loss?

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Did Manny Pacquiao's devastating loss to Mexico's Juan Manuel Marquez send a strong message to the erstwhile pound-for-pound king?

Amidst the busy-ness of Christmas holidays, Manny has once again demostrated his magic to unite the nation to be witness to his greatness in the boxing ring. But sadly, the euphoria and the excitement died so fast towards the first half of Pacman's 4th fight with the Mexican. The manner of his loss was a very big upset, was totally unexpected, totally un-Pacquiao, having been knocked out cold and motionless in round 6.

The cameras caught the very tearful and hysterical Jinkee seeing her husband knocked out lying on the canvass. But more than that, was what the world witnessed -- the sight of the very powerful Pacquiao splattered face flat on the floor ... weak and defenseless.

People and observers who have suddenly turned boxing experts and life gurus were quick to give unsolicited analysis. What caused him to lose that fight?

- short preparation
- carelessness and too much confidence
- lack of focus
- fate
- all of the above

Among others, it was his faith, his allegedly leaving his Catholic religion that was the most controversial. It sent Mommy Dionisia going ballistic and blaming the born again Pastors for her son's misfortune. In the above situations, it is only Manny who has the final say what had gone right and wrong.

On the other hand, people will always have a say, to blame Pacman or to love and be proud of him inspite of. Whether he fights again or retire is his own business. But one thing is certain -- Manny Pacquiao is the only and the greatest Filipino boxer ever who gave us immeasurable pride as Filipinos!


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