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Model / Endorser ME and Wealthy Celebrity WC were a sight to behold in the early years of their relationship. Observers noted that ME and WC not only looked awesome together but were also perfectly matched as far as their interests and backgrounds were concerned. It was indeed a comfortable relationship for this beautiful twosome.
However, years of being in a high profile relationship could have stressed and pressured them such that in the last few months, there were rumors of ME and WC breaking up, and then getting back together after a while. Those privy to the couple felt that such was a preview of things to come.
Heard from a reliable information that it was WC who wanted ME out of his life. Allegedly, he already felt tired and consumed, admitting that their long relationship had already seen better days. Yet from the looks of it, it is allegedly ME who still wants the relationship to work out. It is reportedly for this reason why ME seems to be more noticeably clingy towards WC. In times that he would want to be left alone, ME would allegedly just appear from nowhere to the surprise of WC. So unlike in the past, it is now ME who would be seen exerting every effort to keep the relationship from turning ugly.
Nowhere was this more obvious than when ME was spotted at the event of WC’s relative held somewhere in the north. Being privy to the status of the couple’s relationship, quite a number of WC’s relatives were raising eyebrows by ME’s sudden showing of “kind and caring gesture” towards the Matriarch of the Clan MC - which to them looked like insincere.
Some guests quipped that it was so out of ME’s character to be doing such, including her over-eagerness to assist MC wherever she was, feeling like a PA who would even go up and down the staircase with MC.
Uh oh…is ME really that scared of losing WC? Geez! I don’t have the answer.
" Nothing that lasts is ever easy and nothing that is easy ever lasts. "
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