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Showing posts with label Blind Item. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Price of Peace

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Moving on often comes at a price. Emotionally, a breakup can lead to depression or sleepless nights thinking of what went wrong. Physically, the body can manifest emotions. Weight loss or gain can be seen easily. However, others even look better after ending a relationship.

When netizens noticed Influential Man (IM) and Beautiful Entrepreneur (BE) were not seen together as often, they assumed first, BE wants to lie low, and second, the press has not been covering them enough. Thus, not seeing them often was expected.

Perceptions changed when IM was seen in public with Pretty Woman (PW). Tongues wagged and PW was immediately assumed as someone new in IM’s heart. When IM and PW were observed to be happy together, the non-presence of BE was accepted.

However, IM’s moving on was rumored to be nothing more than a business transaction, an expensive one at that. To move on cleanly, IM allegedly cut all ties with BE, which included any relationship they had beyond their assumed ‘coupleness.’ Ergo, even their business dealings were allegedly ended with IM buying out BE’s shares at a price she could not refuse. Perhaps, this cutting of ties with BE is IM’s way of proving his sincerity for PW and avoid the awkwardness that could happen if BE were still in the picture.

‘I think it's important to have closure in any relationship that ends - from a romantic relationship to a friendship. You should always have a sense of clarity at the end and know why it began and why it ended. You need that in your life to move cleanly into your next phase.’ — Jennifer Aniston

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Cementing Her Place

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Good-looking Personality (GP) is rumored to be moving to another location soon, perhaps not permanently, but for a specific period. To avoid being seen and thus instigating speculations, going far from the motherland is still the best decision.

This move is allegedly motivated to ensure GP has a strong stake in the life of her Rumored Sponsor (RS). RS is a popular name in his locale and quite influential with the affairs of the area. However, admission of a relationship between GP and RS could affect their careers, as both are known to have strong family values. RS is still married, while GP has built a wholesome, admirable reputation.

If the plan of GP materializes, the news could be considered a scandal detrimental to their reputation and careers. Supposedly, GP wants a scion with RS. Even if that means undergoing a procedure using her egg cell, GP will do it. Having the procedure done abroad would keep away the local rumor-mongers. With a child from RS, GP assures her stake.

Incidentally, GP might still leave later to have her house overseas fixed. Rumors claim that RS gave that home to GP.  

‘Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.’ — Walter H. Cottingham

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Friday, March 21, 2025

The Secret

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The couple divided fans when a scandal broke out. Before the controversy, Male Partner (MP) was praised for his acting skills. He was also daring and willing to try various roles. MP was heading to a successful career and his fans were excited for his coming projects.

Meanwhile, Female Talent (FT) was also on her way towards a successful performing career. Soon, FT became a familiar name and her fans believed she was bound for glory. She was performing on mainstream media and was expected to get into more lucrative projects. Her relationship with MP seemed to be doing well.

Then, MP and FT got involved in a scandal that led to their fans and non-fans expressing an opinion. The scandal led to MP losing his foothold in his career and FT in the process. FT received much advice and most were unsolicited claiming these words were for her own good. Her then decision was to drop MP.

After that time, nothing much was heard about the two. The silence could mean several things. People subsequently wondered what happened to them. Things seemed to be quiet and the assumption was that a reconciliation already occurred. However, nothing was heard from them directly. Nonetheless, a source claimed that MP and FT have a deep bond, that is, their love put forth life. Now that they are allegedly with another life to take care of, they are probably finding peace away from public talk.

‘The best way of keeping a secret is to pretend there isn't one.’― Margaret Atwood

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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Pretty Face

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Pretty Face (PF) might not be as sincere as she projects in front of the camera. PF is one of those celebrities who started dreaming of a career in the entertainment industry. Like typical wannabees, she wanted to have a career to help her family. Her initial entry proved unsuccessful but time was kind. PF managed to get into the business and gain fame. PF thus gave her family the good life they are enjoying.

PF is similar to industry personalities. She has many admirers as far as what she shows in public. Her efforts to help others have been known and endeared her to fans. Nonetheless, people view such circumstances as part of her gimmick, while others defend her sincerity.

One time, PF surprised people at an elevator. As PF stepped out, the incoming passengers were puzzled why PF looked furious with her eyebrows raised. They felt the rudeness as PF exited. They had no intention of asking PF for a selfie, anyway. What was shocking was that PF was only with a family member. Incidentally, production people who have worked with PF said PF was not remarkable and was really just kind to people when she needed something.  

‘I get the hypocrisy thing, but any human being is allowed to have a public and private face, and celebrities should have the same rights as regular people to decide what cards they lay down and what cards they hide.’ — Cindy Crawford

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Friday, March 14, 2025

Bad Treatment

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The image of Celebrity Public servant (CP) seems to exude perfection. After all, CP has raised successful children who have pursued their own careers. Like most showbiz/political families, CP’s kids ventured into the same areas. However, her kids kept low profiles and did not reach the level of fame she had during her prime. In addition, CP has been doing her best to keep her husband stay within their marriage.

Like any typical family, CP and a family member were seen in the mall, having a meal. The two seemed to be enjoying the moment to bond. Nothing wrong with spending time and unwinding. However, fellow diners noticed that next to them was their nanny at the next table. The two were at the place for quite a while. During that whole time, the nanny just sat there without any food at all.

Frequent mallgoers apparently have seen CP and her companion/s do the same thing with the nanny or help several times. While CP and her party dine and enjoy, her helper/s are left to wait without food. Thus, they could only spend time and watch mallgoers pass by. Sadly, the treatment of her helpers speaks much of her attitude.

‘Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.’ —  Dennis Prager

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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Inauthentic Self

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When Inauthentic Self (IS) was starting out, her network thought she was bound to be the next big star. IS’s projects were rating and the audience followed the twists and turns of her various characters. IS had her piece of heaven, so to speak. In fact, the network was very supportive for her career and that of her Screen Partner (SP). IS and SP have their followers and the management, at that time, was in need of a bankable love team.

Unfortunately, things took a bizarre turn. IS had fewer projects and her partnership with SP was abandoned. Speculations abound and the loudest had something to do with attitude and finances. Her pretty face was the opposite of her authentic self.

Claims were made that IS wasn’t easy to deal with as she looks down on everyone. Even SP was supposedly not spared. Given that IS was more famous than SP at that time, her camp did not spare him from being looked down at and reminded of his status.

Stories even allege IS does not look favorably at her Close Relation (CR). Throughout her career, CR took care of her. Yet, even now IS sees CR with disdain. Is the consequence of IS’s attitude her having a hard time to resurrect her career? Most of her contemporaries, even SP, have already made their mark in the industry. Meanwhile, IS has to be content with supporting roles.

‘Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does.’ — Sukhraj S. Dhillon

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Friday, March 7, 2025

Determined to Hide

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Whenever a new talent emerges, management usually tries the tested loveteam route. Many current actors have gone through this path. Successful pairs have enabled management to reap millions or even billions. Sometime ago, producers cashed in on these partners by churning out projects one after another. Management took advantage of the hope of the audience and fans who fervently wished the pair would end up with each other.

On the one hand, others do fall for each other to the delight of their fans. On the other hand, some are defiant and insist that their love teams remain purely professional. It is with the latter that gives the headache to management as such defiance can shatter the illusion of their fans. Consequently, actors who are vocal about their true feelings for a non-love team partner are at risk of ruining their careers. Thus, the real love interest has to be kept hidden.

That might be the case for Young Actor (YA). YA did not start his career with a love team. Accidentally, fans shipped him with Talented Actress (TA). Fans liked the vibes YA and TA gave off when they were together. The two had no choice but to follow the plan of their management despite public knowledge that they were in relationships.

Unexpectedly, YA and TA found themselves single. This ‘fact’ was doubted on the side of YA. Whereas, TA was accepted to be single, some fans claim YA already has a new partner. Allegedly, YA’s new partner is a model who’s from a reputable university. Of course, YA will never dare expose his new partner, who might suddenly get unwanted attention.

‘Those that don't got it, can't show it. Those that got it, can't hide it.’ — Zora Neale Hurston  

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Monday, March 3, 2025

New Couple Alert

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Tongues are wagging that a new merger of showbiz and politics seems to be in the works. Seeing Entertainment Expert (EE) and Public Personality (PP) in various showbiz and non-showbiz events is giving ‘new couple’ vibes.

EE has been in the industry for decades and has focused her career on a specialized aspect of delivering stories about everyday happenings. Throughout that time, EE has developed a reputation. However, unlike other entertainment personalities, EE has managed to keep her love life away from the public eye. Also, it seemed that she had stayed away from high-profile love interests, so as not to be written about.

Meanwhile, PP has been in his field for decades as well. With a common surname, PP made sure he was worthy of belonging to the clan. On his own merits and not just the family name, PP established his own reputation. He gained many followers, as the public witnessed his capability and performance in his position.

Thus, when EE and PP were seen together, observers shipped them together. The two looked good together, which could have motivated people to assume something serious was happening between them. However, though EE is single, PP is a family man. Given his privacy, PP has been mum on his own love life. If the rumors that the two are indeed becoming an item, the public will need to wait if such confirmation will be done by EE or PP. The public can be impatient with the ‘what you see is what you get attitude’ excuse of several personalities.

‘Never reveal all of yourself to other people; hold back something in reserve so that people are never quite sure if they really know you.’ — Michael Korda

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Contrasting Couple

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Finding the right one in the entertainment industry and staying for almost a lifetime is rare. Not every actor can find the person who understands the pressure and demands of showbiz work. Although rare, a handful of seasoned personalities have found their forever in the business. Yet, the way they each handle fame can be different.

The showbiz couple has been in the entertainment industry for quite a time. Both are talented and this talent enabled their smooth transition genres. Thus, both are the go-to actors for a powerful supporting cast.

Sadly, some ordinary folks have noticed the contrasting personalities of Male Actor (MA) and His Wife (HW), especially when dealing with people. MA is known for his intense acting. Often, MA is cast as a villain, and he can indeed be intimidating. Meanwhile, HW is stereotyped into playing maternal roles. She is effective in portraying the oppressed or bullied. Conversely, HW is as effective in antagonist roles. She can play the oppressor and bully roles convincingly, too.

According to a netizen, meeting the couple led to several realizations. HW was sweet and accommodating. By contrast, MA was very different. He stared down the netizen and looked at the person from head to toe, no smiles, at all. Then, he walked away, ignoring fans who took time to wait and see them.

‘The great thing about acting is that you get to be a lot of different things in one lifetime. You get to explore different personalities and characters.’ — Eva Amurri

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Disappointing Business Practice

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For back-up, many celebrities put up their own business ventures. Some invest in the food and beverage industry, real estate, luxury goods, among others. The brave ones, wanting to have total control,  take over their own careers and drop their managers, who usually require a percentage from their earnings. Regardless of their ventures, as celebrity-entrepreneurs, they are not exempted from ethical business practices.

Unfortunately, a celebrity couple is being called out for their business practices. Allegedly, the business has put its former employees in an awkward situation. For example, the separation pay was amiss for employees who were let go. The employees undergo a lot of guilt-tripping making them look bad, rather than their employers.

The celebrity-owners seem to be good at such practice. Moreover, instead of facing head-on business issues, the company hides behind legal jargon. Sometimes, the personal touch is better than posting a statement in response to certain company issues. Sadly, the company’s decision to implement an impersonal approach is turning off their followers. Some followers view the approach of the business as contradictory to what they are known for.

‘Being ethical is not just about following the law. It’s an expression of our integrity; it’s about being able to look in the mirror and proudly say, ‘I lived by my values.’’ – Lynne Doughtie

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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Pay Your Debt

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The increased visibility of the presence of Versatile Performer (VP) has given rise to persistent rumors of her activities during her semi-hiatus. VP was discovered in a variety show and her brand of entertainment was a hit with the viewers. After her start, VP never looked back and continued in her quest for that stardom. After many years, she reached success.

Nonetheless, VP was restless, and thus decided to seek her greener pasture. Far from the land that gave her opportunities and where she was treated like a queen, VP opted to seek her own adventure and to live simply. VP took on odd jobs and projected herself like the average citizen of the new land.

While VP told stories about her new life, some followers wondered if her version was complete. Rumors claimed that VP might have incurred debts in the new location. They wondered why VP even chose a low-paying job to make ends meet, as given her status, she could have opted for higher-earning gigs. Still, VP had a family and circumstances would require her to add to the family’s cost of living.

Again, suspicions arose that VP could allegedly be dealing with creditors, which made her choose work that guaranteed her payment rather than have a one-time, big-time gig. With VP’s renewed presence in the local scene, talks about her leaving debts from where she came from remained loud in the grapevine.

‘Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.’ — Romans 13:7

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Unpleasant Truth

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The revelation that Popular Performer (PP) and Alluring Woman (AW) were already a couple was met positively, as PP’s fans felt he deserved love. Finally, PP found someone who shared the demands of his career, his creativity, and interests as well. AW seemed to be PP’s support and the one who could understand his status.

Unfortunately, such was not the case. Given PP’s popularity, fans asking for selfies were not uncommon. As the partner, AW was expected to understand fan behavior. Fans saw AW making faces and rolling her eyes when PP met with fans and gave in to their requests. Worse, AW snubs fans who try to come closer to PP. AW’s attitude did not sit well with the witnesses. She was the opposite of PP, who was cool and kind to his audience.

With changes that occurred in the life of AW, kibitzers fear that this might affect her status with PP. Perhaps, AW might realize how PP felt when he entertained fans. Attitude towards others could affect AW’s popularity. Hence, AW should pick up humility, much like what PP showed to fans. Otherwise, she might be dismissed instead of being embraced and gain fame.

‘A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility. It is a foundation for the development of such virtues as prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love, and well-being.’ —James E. Faust

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Friday, February 14, 2025

Spotted Down Under

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Failed Entrepreneur (FE) opted to hide than face his business partners, who now think of him as a scammer. Over the years, FE banked on his interest in having a showbiz career. He had non-lead, negligible roles, but senior personalities in his network pushed him to have a stable career with the management. Slowly, he built his acting reputation and friendships with fellow actors. He ventured into various businesses, which were deemed successful.

One day, he seemed to have lost everything. He became less visible. Then, his business partners came out with documents accusing him of failed investments. By that time, FE was nowhere to be found. Rumors claimed he was also able to ensure his family was gone as well.

Even if his legal team had responded, FE had not appeared. Speculations initially said FE fled to a popular destination overseas. Given his looks, alleged witnesses claimed he would not be spotted. He easily blended with the locals. However, during the holidays, some Filipinos claimed seeing a thin FE with a group of other nationalities down under. When FE saw their group, he avoided eye contact and moved away.

Will FE ever be brave enough to face his accusers in the country? How long will he hide?

‘Acceptance of one's life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary, it means accepting it as it comes, with all the handicaps of heredity, of suffering, of psychological complexes and injustices.’ — Paul Tournier

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Proud Lover

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Sometime ago, Non-showbiz Businessman (NB) found himself in the limelight because of his association with a showbiz family. However, despite the high profile of the family, NB tried to keep his privacy. He failed. Soon, the media did not relent until they found out who NB was. When they found out his expertise, NB became a personality on his own.

NB came clean and answered questions about his businesses, expertise, family life when the press wanted to find out about him. However, NB was mum about a Particular Companion (PC). Even if NB and PC were caught in their unguarded sweet moments, neither will admit to anything.

Just as the curious no longer minded the two, NB was suddenly seen in public events with New Girl (NG) and PC was no longer seen around. Cornered, NB beamed as he admitted he and NG were officially together. NG was glowing as well. Her smiles showed happiness.

One major change between his then and now is attitude towards the relationship. According to a source, in the past, NB’s security was always on the look-out to ask unauthorized paparazzi to delete photos with him and his companion. With NG, the security is still looking at unauthorized picture-takers but they no longer ask photos to be deleted. NB is indeed proud to be seen with NG.

‘Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes.’ — Charles Dickens

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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Playful Jocks

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Cute Actor (CA) and Attractive Actor (AA) were in a mood that what happened next shocked their fellow guests in a very private event.

Both known as competent performers, they have each shown that they could deliver in any role given to them. Though similar in terms of acting skills, CA and AA are reliable. Often, their roles are parallel. Sometimes when they are in the same project, they have similar, complementary roles. Nonetheless, CA and AA are effective when one plays the lead, the other the villain.

When it comes to their personal lives, a big difference can be seen. Although the two of them have had several partners, one is mum on his relationship. He hardly talks about the woman he loves. By contrast, the other flaunts his lover at the moment and he can be quite showy once he admits his relationship.

The friendship of the two apparently is more than what the eyes can see. Together, CA and AA have their own gimmicks and a habit that unites both of them. The two were supposedly with each other in a private gathering. A few rounds of drinks and followed by other tasks, CA and AA became high. They were so high that they started removing their clothes to let loose. Suddenly, the two were doing a number sexual position in their dark corner. They didn’t care at all. 
‘I see myself as sexy. If you are comfortable with it, it can be very classy and appealing.’ -- Aaliyahfb

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Misunderstood or Rude

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The line between the private and public persona of a celebrity is a touchy issue. On the one hand, a celebrity wants to be left alone to do what he/she wants. On the other hand, a celebrity needs to have a plastered smile every time he/she goes out in public. Meanwhile, fans can be very observant and remember how a celebrity behaves.

Sometime ago, Pretty Actress (PA) was spotted with Good-looking Talent (GT) by fans in a high-end shopping center. Though fans have accepted PA and GT as a couple, they were still starstruck at seeing them together despite the two keeping a low profile. However, the two showed opposite reactions when dealing with people who admire them.

Having grown up in front of the cameras, GT has mastered dealing with fans. GT knows how to charm his way into the good side of people. Though GT might come across as snobbish, he acknowledges the presence of fans. By contrast, PA is the opposite.

Although PA has been in the entertainment industry for a while, she apparently has yet to learn to warm up to people. Even if a celebrity does not have a project about to be shown, he/she will be appreciated more by followers if she could be friendlier.  

When some fans called out to get the attention of PA and GT, the latter smiled and waved. By contrast, PA did not bother to turn her head and continued to walk away.

‘We must never confuse elegance with snobbery.’ —  Yves Saint Laurent

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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Philandering Lover

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Sometime ago, a network introduced new female talents in its roster. Like the usual path, the network hoped that at least one or two will be noticed by fans and perhaps be catapulted into lead roles. Among these hopefuls was Starlet Lover (SL).

The competition was tough because others in her batch proved to be more popular than SL. Though she had projects, she was stuck in the supporting cast.

While things seemed to be quiet and SL focused on her work, the circumstances were not. Behind the innocent looking face was an alleged homewrecker. When SL met Public Servant (PS) of one of the top cities in Metro Manila, she hooked up with him despite knowing he's a family man and in a marriage that was doing well. PS had so much money, and gifting an eight-digit house to SL was nothing to him. This didn't go well with the wife, of course. 

Incidentally, rumors have it that SL is not exactly as young as she says by almost a decade. Moreover, the buzz is SL has a teenage child. Time will always unravel the truth no matter how hard people try to hide it.

'A homewrecker doesn't win love; they only gain temporary satisfaction at the expense of others' misery.' - Jane Austen

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Keep Receiving from Married Man

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Allegedly, Young Starlet (YS) is in the list of a booking agent. The booking agent is the one who makes appointments for clients who might be distinguished gentlemen or anyone who can afford the booking rates. After several dates with a Married Politician (MP) of one of the top cities in Metro Manila , YS realized she had him at her finger tips.

YS is relatively new in the entertainment industry. Her connections inspired and enabled her to pursue a career with a network. After all, her close relation was an example of how patience and determination can bring in the money quickly. The family, once on the verge of poverty, can now enjoy luxuries as a result of that relation’s work ethics. 

With her looks, breaking into the industry was easy for YS. However, she has yet to show her acting skills. At present, her visibility is limited to other avenues. YS indeed is attractive enough to get the attention of MP. The situation was to her advantage. YS knows what MP can give to her. Hence, she took advantage and asked for gifts from him. The possibility of being exposed to his wife was always high and MP had to be careful not to hurt YS.  YS knows that, so she made sure she asked for and received the best from MP.  

‘For me, it's about taking advantage of the opportunities given. That's all I'm trying to do, is take advantage, do my job and do it well.’ – Sony Michel

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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Missing Posts

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When Showbiz Scion (SS) finally admitted her relationship with Sought-after Bachelor (SB), years ago, the kibitzers immediately commented that she knew her market. SB was quite well-off and capable of giving SS a life fitting that of a queen. With SB’s connections, SS could also have a career movement that could be the envy of anyone in the showbiz industry.

SS and SB did their best to be private. However, instead of keeping their event to themselves, they were generous in sharing the significant details in social media. Hence, many vicariously lived upon seeing SS at her happiest with SB.

Alas, observers noted that the social media savvy SS seemed to be silent in the past month. She missed out on posting during the holidays. This lack of social media update seemed to be so unlike her. Even if SB were noted to be within the same area as SS, her followers noticed the absence. They, thus, wondered if something was wrong. Did trouble come too early in the lives of SS and SB? Are they undergoing something that has affected their life? Of course, no one wants to wish them ill, as both seemed to be the perfect match.

‘If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.’ — Dolly Parton

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Monday, January 13, 2025

Messy Girl

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As years go by, partners see the best and worst of each other. The best practices are cherished but the worst can result in trouble later on. Such might have happened to the relationship of Popular Guy (PG) and Controversial Woman (CW).

PG and CW started their relationship with questions from kibitzers. Other than recognition, the two lived worlds apart. They became known to the public given their diverse interests. However, PG seemed to be a nice guy and as he did not have any marital connection, he could pursue the single CW.

The two subsequently shared their interests and slowly pulled each other into their worlds. They were no longer social media shy. No one objected and most wished PG would finally settle down. When a test in their relationship arose, their followers worried that the claim would end their relationship. CW aired her clarification and PG stood by her.

However, about a year later, their followers sensed something was not right. Neither spoke about any trouble but whispers were loud that the two had broken up. Followers assumed that despite their image, the couple might be undergoing trouble. Little resentments built up and subsequently blew up.

The rumor is that CW did something messy that PG could not comprehend. Either CW might be physically suffering from an ailment or she might have had too much to drink. Drunkards are known to lose control over body functions. CW allegedly peed on the sofa and on the floor. Seeing such a mess CW did make him lose it. That was the last straw as PG could not stand a messy girl. He made her leave.

‘This is what happens when nice people are pushed too far. We give too many chances, and so when we've finally had enough, we are well and truly done. When a nice person shuts a door on you, it's shut for good.’ — Deb Caletti

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