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Showing posts with label ATC Healthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATC Healthcare. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Fighting Mosquito Borne Diseases

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Dengue, Zika, Chikunggunya, Malaria are only a few of the threatening mosquito borne diseases. It’s so scary for someone like me who has children. If only I could keep an eye to my children for 24 hours 7 days a week, I would do that just to make sure no mosquito would be biting them and infecting them with harmful diseases! A friend told me that during the Zika scare here in the Philippines, she frantically searched for mosquito killing products that she would use in order to protect her family from being bitten by mosquitoes and there she found that Strike Mosquito Killer Spray. I also got curious so I searched for this product and was so happy when I found it in the supermarket. Strike Mosquito Killer Spray, made me excited and I kept my fingers crossed because I didn’t want this product to be another failure of my hunt for an effective mosquito killer! I found out several things that shocked me and I must say these things probably did the magic.

  • Being it water-based, I feel like it’s safer for me and everyone in our house including animals. It doesn’t stick to furniture or stain anything inside the house or room.
  • I was expecting for it to smell like the usual mosquito repellents but it smelled different. It is actually fragrant! So it’s real when they said it has a “carnation” scent in it.
  • It’s fast acting and very long lasting. I didn’t need to spray several times just to keep the mosquitoes away. I just needed to spray once and everything was taken cared of (which is totally good!)

Now, I can easily get rid of mosquitoes HASSLE-FREE! I can’t wait for you guys to try it as well.

It is built in such a scientific way wherein the contents get emitted in UNIFORM quantity and amounts of all components, particles and ingredients come out fully CONCENTRATED which disperses quickly but stays in the area for a longer time. Compared to other insecticides, Strike Mosquito Killer Spray has a remarkable canister that allows maximum usage of contents while other brands may have faulty canisters and spray spouts that no longer spray with good quality as time goes by; this one gives a fine flow until the last drop with 99% atomization or fine mist in every spray! Now, get yours at Mercury Drug where I got mine!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Share Passion, Share Love with Your Partner

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It’s just natural for couples to share things between each other but the secret to a very successful marriage is when you both share the love and passion. Being married to my wife for over 20 years is something I am very proud of not because of how long we have been together but because of the passion we have for one another. Never did I grow out of love to my wife, and never did she feel like I don’t love her. As time went by, we grew fonder of each other than growing apart as some marriage are painted. Our marriage is thick on love and happiness, we have our fair share for difficult times but I guess the magic is simple and that’s what we did I guess.

  1. We loved each other the same way, if not, more than we ever did when we were younger. Love is the key to eternal happiness. It seems to me that when you love each other, nothing can really tear you apart.
  2. We have a very well communication. We don’t let small and big things pass without talking about it. Petty things can get to our nerves but we always talk about things and made sure we don’t let it go unless settled.
  3. We never stopped our lovemaking. I don’t feel ashamed saying this as opposed to how my wife would react. I am happy that our passion for lovemaking with each other never faded and I guess that helped a great deal in the success of our marriage.

You see, even though I am not as young as I was energetic and filled with libido, I found something that can help me. There are over the counter products but you just really have to be cautious about getting these products, make sure that you only purchase items from reputable drug stores with ingredients that are safe and effective. Enhancers usually contain combinations of Epimedium Extract, L-Arginine, Songaria Cynomorium and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid because according to research these ingredients can make a man’s vigor and enthusiasm towards intimacy stronger than usual. It can even aid in erectile dysfunction for some cases but most importantly, it has several benefits that can be helpful for a man’s health. Enhancers do not mean you need to be ashamed of what you can give intimately to your partner nor it can size up your ability to satisfy plus there’s a go-to enhancer called Robust which has all the key ingredients that have been the talk of the town for its efficacy. So give this a try and check the nearest Mercury Drug to find Robust.

Bottom line though is that at the end of the day, your passion and love towards each other saves the marriage from disaster.

Friday, March 23, 2018

How Emotional is a Man?

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We are humans and we are created to be emotional beings. Our thoughts and feelings are important in the process of our day to day lives and sometimes, we neglect acknowledging it or most of the time, do not give it much thought. A study showed that everyone of us here on earth are emotional human beings at one way or another, although there’s a little percentage of men being emotional. It’s not that they don’t feel things, they just don’t show it.

That’s why, men are more at risk for having cardiovascular diseases as they don’t show their emotions as often as they should.

  • If you’re sad, just be sad until you get over it.
  • If you’re happy, show it. Burst into laughter and clap.
  • If you feel like crying, do it. Crying doesn’t make you any lesser of a man. It’s even a brave gesture if you ask me.
  • Enjoy yourself. No matter how old you are, you still have the right to enjoy yourself, meet your sexual and reproductive health needs.

Speaking of sexual needs, in connection to emotions—if your basic sexual needs as a man are met, your emotional health is at its peak as well. So in a nutshell, make sure you strive to acknowledge your emotion and meet your sexual needs no matter what.

Stepping up your game in fulfilling your sexual needs can be easy now because there are over the counter products but you just really have to be cautious about getting these products, make sure that you only purchase items from reputable drug stores with ingredients that are safe and effective. Enhancers usually contain combinations of Epimedium Extract, L-Arginine, Songaria Cynomorium and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid because according to research these ingredients can make a man’s vigor and enthusiasm towards intimacy stronger than usual. It can even aid in erectile dysfunction for some cases but most importantly, it has several benefits that can be helpful for a man’s health. Enhancers do not mean you need to be ashamed of what you can give intimately to your partner nor it can size up your ability to satisfy plus there’s a go-to enhancer called Robust which has all the key ingredients that have been the talk of the town for its efficacy. So give this a try and check the nearest Mercury Drug to find Robust.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Why Controlling Blood Sugar Level is Important

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“I feel normal, in fact I feel good. Why is it so important to keep track on my blood sugar level?” one way or another, people who have been diagnosed with diabetes have said that exact same thing. Blood sugar level rises gradually and at first, it wouldn’t give you signs and symptoms. It won’t tell you that you have diabetes or some sort of blood sugar level problem until such time that it cannot be reversed anymore. Some may experience kidney failure, stroke, heart attack and blindness all because of an uncontrolled blood sugar level which led to diabetes. This is why it is important to have your blood sugar level controlled as early as you can. To help you control it successfully, here are tips that you can follow:

  • Keep your blood glucose within the normal range by minding what you eat. Food and drinks with added sugar should be completely be out of your dietary meal plan.
  • Increase the physical activity by exercising regularly every day. A good 30 minute exercise can do so much in your workout routine than nothing at all.
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Blood sugar is easily maintained if you have a healthy weight.
Aside from these 3 helpful and simple tips, there are supplements that has the ability to help in controlling the blood sugar level. When it comes to supplements, it’s best to look for Ampalaya supplements or anything that has the combination of Ampalaya, Banaba, Luyang Dilaw and Bawang. According to studies these ingredients are popular for its health benefits like managing insulin levels, lowering blood sugar levels, aids in managing diabetes symptoms and stimulating the pancreas, spleen and liver to intensify absorption—these ingredients may be able to deliver aid especially for blood sugar control—the must-try product that has all these ingredients is BitterGo. It has all the ingredients needed for aiding in blood sugar control! Ampalaya has the ability to lower the amount of sugar in the blood, Banaba helps in controlling the spike up of sugar levels, Luyang Dilaw promotes good control in blood sugar levels and Bawang/Garlic helps in increasing insulin which improves the body’s glucose tolerance and helps in lowering cholesterol levels as well. If you feel like it’s hard to get this product, do what I did. I checked and found BitterGo at Mercury Drug!

Now, you can easily control your blood sugar level and avoid risks of chronic diseases.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Tips for Making Sure You’re Ready for Summer

Making sure you’re ready for summer has a lot of aspects you need to consider. This doesn’t just fall under your clothes, your looks but your health. On a lighter note, let’s discuss some tips on how you can make sure you’re ready for summer.

  • Sort out your summer clothes already. Make sure you have lightweight clothes, ones that wouldn’t make your body sweat so much.
  • Continue drinking more water everyday. Once the summertime comes, you will need to load up on water intake to keep you hydrated.
  • To avoid dry skin, put lightweight lotion, moisturizer and sunscreen. You will need to protect your skin from UV rays that can be too damaging.
  • Make sure you’re healthy not just for vanity’s sake but also so you have a stronger immune system when it comes to going out of town. Did you know, cleansing can make your immune system stronger not to mention help you get fit? Cleansing can be done with the help of supplements!

Speaking of supplements, you just have to look for components such as Oat Fiber, Alfalfa, Aloe Vera and Psyllium Husk that is responsible for easy colon cleanse and Green Tea and Pu’er Tea which helps your body digest fat faster than normal.

Each of these components have their corresponding health benefits that when combined, will result to amazing detoxification and cleansing of the body. Oat Fiber helps in controlling the appetite which prevents you from craving foods that are not nutritional, Alfalfa helps in nourishing the digestive system, Aloe Vera helps in cleaning the gut, Psyllium Husk makes you feel fuller for a longer period of time while making sure the digestive tract is cleansed. Green Tea on the other hand is popular for burning excess fat by speeding up the metabolism and Pu’er Tea is helps eliminate the fats that are hard to digest. Once you know a product with these components, take a hold of it because surely, you will see fast results while keeping you healthy! There are many brands but FatOut is the only supplement that contains all these components! Talk of the town is that FatOut is now more affordable than ever! Head over to nearby Mercury Drug stores and check it out now.

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Friday, March 16, 2018

Effortless Beauty on Graduation Day

After all the sleepless nights thesis and school activities brought you, you are finally going up the stage to receive your diploma. After all these years, you have finished school and accomplished a fantastic goal that you and your parents endured. This moment is tremendously special not only for you but for the people who have been rooting for you since day one so it’s just fair to prepare for this day and look your best. 

  • Get enough rest days before and especially the day before the special event.
  • Make sure you’ve been eating properly because certain food can make you feel bloated and cause breakouts on your face.
  • Load up on Vitamin E for that effortless beauty!

Vitamin E aids in repairing damaged skin cells. It also helps maintain the skin’s radiance and healthy glow. If you don’t have enough Vitamin E in your system, your skin tends to dry out. Aside from skin care, Vitamin E also helps in maintaining the functions of blood vessels, brain and nervous system. It strengthens the immune system and promotes good eyesight. Lastly, it helps in preventing cancer, heart disease and stroke.

It’s very simple to achieve pretty skin, especially now that it is easier to find Vitamin E supplements. You just have to make sure that you get at least 400IU of Vitamin E every day in order to assure body and skin protection from the harmful effects of free radicals that can damage skin cells. There’s a Vitamin E supplement called Vita-E and it has nothing but amazing results! Vita-E keeps your skin healthy and protected, go get yours at Mercury Drug, they have it readily available!

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How to Avoid Diabetes and its Complications

Uncontrolled high blood sugar may result to Diabetes and if you acquire Diabetes, you are at a higher risk in having health complications.

These complications include the following:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Kidney damage (Nephropathy)
  • Eye damage (Retinopathy)
  • Foot damage
  • Skin problems
  • Hearing impairment
  • Alzheimer’s disease

See? Just because you didn’t control or look after your blood sugar levels, a lot of complications may happen. In order to prevent diabetes and its complications, here are simple ways to do it:

  1. Eat healthy food – when you eat healthy, fat and calories are lowered as well.
  2. Engage in physical activities – if you exercise at least 30 minutes a day, you help your blood sugar levels to regularize.
  3. Take a supplement that helps regulate blood sugar levels – supplements can help you regulate your blood sugar especially if it has the right ingredients.

When it comes to supplements, it’s best to look for Ampalaya supplements or anything that has the combination of Ampalaya, Banaba, Luyang Dilaw and Bawang. According to studies these ingredients are popular for its health benefits like managing insulin levels, lowering blood sugar levels, aids in managing diabetes symptoms and stimulating the pancreas, spleen and liver to intensify absorption—these ingredients may be able to deliver aid especially for blood sugar control—the must-try product that has all these ingredients is BitterGo. It has all the ingredients needed for aiding in blood sugar control! Ampalaya has the ability to lower the amount of sugar in the blood, Banaba helps in controlling the spike up of sugar levels, Luyang Dilaw promotes good control in blood sugar levels and Bawang/Garlic helps in increasing insulin which improves the body’s glucose tolerance and helps in lowering cholesterol levels as well. If you feel like it’s hard to get this product, do what I did. I checked and found BitterGo at Mercury Drug!

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Monday, March 12, 2018

How To Stay Fit?

I’ve asked myself that same question every time I meet health roadblocks. Before, I was extremely active! I work out every day and made sure I have physical activities every week like boxing, swimming and running, I eat healthy and I felt like my body is really strong as if nothing can hinder me from being healthy but somewhere along the road, I slacked off from working out, a day went on for a good week until I don’t even exercise for months and would only get back when I feel like it. Junk food like potato chips, soft drinks and chocolates also got the best of me! I didn’t even notice until nothing fits me anymore, as in like my clothes are seemingly small for my size and that’s when it hit me. I am unhealthy, unfit and desperate. How did I get back on track? It was so hard. Harder than anyone could ever imagine but the right amount of discipline and determination helped me.

  • I started working out 3 times a week in the beginning and then I made myself work out every day after getting used to exercising again.
  • I still eat a few junk food here and there but I make sure not to overeat or indulge. It’s tricky but manageable because I made sure I eat vegetables and fruits. I also drink more water everyday and it’s fantastic!
  • After researching, I finally gave in to detoxifying and cleansing. Cleansing removes the toxins in your body making your digestive system function properly; I would have juice cleanses I’d made from scratch with mixed fruits and veggies at least once a week. Then I found an easier way to detox and cleanse. There are food supplements that have successfully helped in colon cleansing. Look for components such as Oat Fiber, Alfalfa, Aloe Vera and Psyllium Husk that is responsible for easy colon cleanse and Green Tea and Pu’er Tea which helps your body digest fat faster than normal.

Speaking of supplements, you just have to look for components such as Oat Fiber, Alfalfa, Aloe Vera and Psyllium Husk that is responsible for easy colon cleanse and Green Tea and Pu’er Tea which helps your body digest fat faster than normal.

Each of these components have their corresponding health benefits that when combined, will result to amazing detoxification and cleansing of the body. Oat Fiber helps in controlling the appetite which prevents you from craving foods that are not nutritional, Alfalfa helps in nourishing the digestive system, Aloe Vera helps in cleaning the gut, Psyllium Husk makes you feel fuller for a longer period of time while making sure the digestive tract is cleansed. Green Tea on the other hand is popular for burning excess fat by speeding up the metabolism and Pu’er Tea is helps eliminate the fats that are hard to digest. Once you know a product with these components, take a hold of it because surely, you will see fast results while keeping you healthy! There are many brands but FatOut is the only supplement that contains all these components! Talk of the town is that FatOut is now more affordable than ever! Head over to nearby Mercury Drug stores and check it out now.

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Saturday, March 10, 2018

How to Take Proper Care of Your Skin

Knowing what’s best for your skin is the way to go in taking steps in proper skin care. Stop neglecting your skin and start focusing on making it healthy because honestly, your 50 year old self will look back and thank you for it if you follow these golden rules in skin care as early as now:

  • Know your skin type because from there, you will know its basic needs.
  • Cleanse gently everyday by using clean water and a cleansing product that is gentle on your skin. Make sure to remove your make-up as well.
  • Exfoliate regularly in order to remove dead skin cells and give way to new skin that ill establish radiance and glow on the skin.
  • Moisturize daily with a water-based moisturizer. Aside from keeping your skin healthy, it also has the ability to protect your skin from dirt.
  • Always use sunscreen because too much exposure to the sun can cause skin aging and wrinkles. More often, it could also cause skin burn which is not very healthy.
  • Decrease your stress in life because it only results to sickness and even skin breakouts!
  • Dose up on Vitamin E daily as it keeps your body healthy while making sure your skin is equally healthy as well.

Vitamin E aids in repairing damaged skin cells. It also helps maintain the skin’s radiance and healthy glow. If you don’t have enough Vitamin E in your system, your skin tends to dry out. Aside from skin care, Vitamin E also helps in maintaining the functions of blood vessels, brain and nervous system. It strengthens the immune system and promotes good eyesight. Lastly, it helps in preventing cancer, heart disease and stroke.

It’s very simple to achieve pretty skin, especially now that it is easier to find Vitamin E supplements. You just have to make sure that you get at least 400IU of Vitamin E every day in order to assure body and skin protection from the harmful effects of free radicals that can damage skin cells. There’s a Vitamin E supplement called Vita-E and it has nothing but amazing results! Vita-E keeps your skin healthy and protected, go get yours at Mercury Drug, they have it readily available!

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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Preventing Diabetes As Early As You Can

Lowering your risk or preventing diabetes from happening can be quite simple and easy. You just have to make sure to follow the steps and be serious in taking the necessary lifestyle changes and you’d be good to go without worrying about diabetes.

  • Control your weight. Being overweight increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. By maintaining a healthy weight, you are lowering your risks of having diabetes.
  • Work out and exercise. Developing your muscles improve your ability to use insulin and absorb glucose.
  • Maintain a healthy balanced diet meal every day. If you eat right, your body gets stronger and healthier. It also aids in keeping your weight normal and your organs fully functioning without having to fight fats.
  • Stay away from sugary foods and drinks. Food and drinks with added sugar may have more sugar than you think which is why it is important to stay away from it and get your sweet fix through an array of fruits.
  • Control your blood sugar level with supplements. Look for Ampalaya supplements or anything that has the combination of Ampalaya, Banaba, Luyang Dilaw and Bawang. According to studies these ingredients are popular for its health benefits like managing insulin levels, lowering blood sugar levels, aids in managing diabetes symptoms and stimulating the pancreas, spleen and liver to intensify absorption—these ingredients may be able to deliver aid especially for blood sugar control for me, the must-try product that has all these ingredients is BitterGo. I have friends who have tried it and I’ve researched about BitterGo and it has all the ingredients needed for aiding in blood sugar control! Ampalaya has the ability to lower the amount of sugar in the blood, Banaba helps in controlling the spike up of sugar levels, Luyang Dilaw promotes good control in blood sugar levels and Bawang/Garlic helps in increasing insulin which improves the body’s glucose tolerance and helps in lowering cholesterol levels as well. BitterGo can be found in all Mercury Drug stores nationwide!

You can easily prevent diabetes when you wholeheartedly change your lifestyle and follow on with these tips for a healthier you.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Last Push Before Graduation

The sleepless nights over projects, thesis, reporting and whatnot is coming to an end. Ever felt like you’re almost at the finish line but you’re still sort of drowning from everything else? The last push before graduation will never be easy that’s why you need to make sure you are focused and energized. This is the last time you’ll be doing requirements for school because soon enough you will face the real world. But seriously, how do you keep up with all these requirements? Here’s something that may help you dominate yourself for this one last push:

  1. Be careful with your time management and make sure you have a to-do list that you will follow.
  2. Do not forget your deadlines. At this point in time, everything you do is crucial so make sure you meet your deadlines until the very last requirement.
  3. Make sure you continue your lively aura, be energized and avoid slugging off just because you’re on your last days before officially graduating. Look for something that will give you your energy boost!

Yes, there are supplements that can help you fight exhaustion while making you feel energized!

Get extra energy from food supplements with combinations of Taurine, Ginseng, Sodium Ascorbate, Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 can also help in providing daily energy boost as these components may have the ability to provide extra energy while improving alertness and focus.
Taurine and Ginseng promotes alertness, reduces stress and provide energy boost, Sodium Ascorbate helps in tiredness prevention and muscle weakness, Vitamin B1 aids in converting food into energy, Vitamin B6 enhances metabolism speed and Vitamin B12 aids in energy production. Now if you think it’s hard to find a product that has benefits like this and caffeine free check Mercury Drug and get your Robust Energy there!

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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Excessive Drinking Can Cause Liver Damage

Excessive drinking of alcohol can increase your risk of having liver disease. This happens because alcohol can cause oxidative stress to the liver wherein the liver will have a hard time breaking down alcohol which then results to damaging the cells in the liver. Another thing is alcohol cause toxins in gut bacteria which can lead to liver scarring and inflammation. So in order to avoid liver damage, one must do the following:

  • Always keep in mind that excessive alcohol can damage the liver and other organs.
  • Excessive intake of fatty and sugary foods can also damage the liver.
  • Exercise aids in keeping the liver healthy and functioning.
  • Supplements that protect the liver is important especially if you are at high risk in having liver disease.

By using supplements with Vitamin C and Milk Thistle or Silymarin you may also improve your liver functions. Vitamin C and Milk Thistle help promote the growth of new liver cells while strengthening the liver health thus the prevention of diseases. There are food supplements that are easy to buy which has the combination of Silymarin and Sodium Ascorbate like LiverMarin. LiverMarin has Silymarin and Sodium Ascorbate that may help prevent over-production of insulin, manage SGPT/SGOT levels, prevent liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis and can even help prevent the liver from Hepatitis A and B. If you feel like it’s hard to get this product, do what I did. I checked and found LiverMarin at Mercury Drug!

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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What Other Options Do We Have To Fight Dengue?

On December, The Department of Health have reportedly seized the use of Dengvaxia ; the vaccine for dengue immunization when French pharmaceutical giant, Sanofi Pasteur advised that effects may be worst if those who have been vaccinated were never exposed to the dengue virus.

Since Dengvaxia is not going to be one of our options this time, what other things can we do to help fight mosquitoes and avoid Dengue from affecting us and our loved ones?

  • When going out, make sure to have insect repellents like patches or body sprays that lure away mosquitoes.
  • Wear proper clothing to avoid mosquito bites.
  • Install screen doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home and use a mosquito killer spray that actually works.

Strike Mosquito Killer Spray is the answer to your mosquito problems.

  • Water-based which does not stick or stain the furniture. It’s also non-toxic which makes it environmentally friendly and would not cause harm to pets and plants.
  • Has a carnation scent that do not cause irritation and allergies.
  • Very fast acting and long lasting. It doesn’t need to be sprayed over and over because it can keep mosquitoes away for a long time.

Now, you can easily get rid of mosquitoes HASSLE-FREE!

It is built in such a scientific way wherein the contents get emitted in UNIFORM quantity and amounts of all components, particles and ingredients come out fully CONCENTRATED which disperses quickly but stays in the area for a longer time. Compared to other insecticides, Strike Mosquito Killer Spray which is available in all Mercury Drug stores nationwide, has a remarkable canister that allows maximum usage of contents while other brands may have faulty canisters and spray spouts that no longer spray with good quality as time goes by, this one gives a fine flow until the last drop with 99% atomization or fine mist in every spray! 

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Monday, February 26, 2018

Improving Liver Health

If your age falls on the early 20s and above, you have probably realized that you are not getting any younger that’s why you have to make sure your health is on its peak level. You have to work on your health as early as now in order to avoid chronic diseases in the future. According to surveys and researches made, the liver is one of the many organs that became problematic when changes in lifestyle were not made timely and appropriately. This is why it is important to improve your lifestyle and improve your liver health by:

  • Getting enough rest is a must. When you don’t let your body get enough rest, your organs becomes stressed too which leads to malfunctions and diseases.
  • Familiarize yourself with food, food ingredients, vitamins and minerals that can help your liver improve its quality of health such as vegetables, fruits, green tea plus Vitamin C and Milk Thistle or Silymarin. All of these are powerful antioxidants which help promote the growth of new liver cells while preventing liver damages. There are food supplements that are easy to buy which has the combination of Silymarin and Sodium Ascorbate but the only product that I have tried which I have been really happy with is LiverMarin. LiverMarin has Silymarin and Sodium Ascorbate that may help prevent over-production of insulin, manage SGPT/SGOT levels, prevent liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis and can even help prevent the liver from Hepatitis A and B.

Improvement of liver health and overall lifestyle may sound complicated but in reality, it’s simple and easy. By just following these 2 steps, you are sure to improve and become healthy!

Photo credits to: http//liverhealthblog/

Friday, February 23, 2018

Intimacy in Marriage

Intimacy in marriage is essential in keeping you both healthy not to mention, it keeps your relationship healthy as well. Here are the benefits of intimacy in marriage.

  • Make time for “alone time”. It doesn’t mean that you’ll just indulge in sexual interaction. Intimacy can also mean talking to each other and giving focus on one another without any distractions.
  • When you are more intimate with each other, you show affection and that’s important in marriage.
  • It creates a stress-free environment for the both of you.
  • It makes you feel good about your relationship.

If you want to spice things up intimately, there are over the counter supplements that help enhance libido and vigor, taking lovemaking to the next level. Look for supplements that have ingredients such as Spiral Algae, Corn Extract, Hawthorn Berry Extract, Medlar Extract, Cistanche Salsa Extract and Ginseng. These are powerful ingredients packed with benefits!

Spiral Algae helps in improving the body strength and enhances the immune system. Corn Extract and Hawthorn Berry improves blood circulation and aids in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. Medlar Extract has high amounts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals packed with health benefits for the over-all strength of the body. Cistanche Salsa Extract  and Ginseng enhances the muscle functions, strengthens the immune system and increases libido for men. These ingredients when combined can help the overall health of the body and can even fight erectile dysfunction for men. Aside from the health benefits it provides, intimacy and endurance in lovemaking may be more satisfying. A product with all these key ingredients have been popular for years now, it’s called Robust Extreme. There are a lot of reviews about it and if you want a whole new punch on your lovemaking, give this a try and see for yourself!


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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Staying Out of Blood Sugar Problems

If your blood sugar level is racing up and down, it is time to take a hold of it and control it in order to avoid feeling lousy and increasing the risk of numerous diseases. By making simple food and lifestyle adjustments, you can stay out of your blood sugar problems and at least be able to control it. Aside from totally veering away from sugary food and drinks, here are several things you can eat easily while helping you control your blood sugar:

  • Eat nuts as snacks instead of junk food. Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachio contain healthy fat that slows the body’s absorption of sugar.
  • Get yourself whole grains. Oat bran, barley and rye are fiber-rich foods that contain beta-glucan. It is a soluble fiber that makes you feel full for a longer period of time which can prevent sugar spike ups.
  • Stuff up on vegetables. Broccoli, cucumber and carrots are just few of the veggies you can incorporate in your diet every day. These veggies help in preventing spike up on blood sugar levels while providing essential nutrients.

When it comes to supplements, it’s best to look for Ampalaya supplements or anything that has the combination of Ampalaya, Banaba, Luyang Dilaw and Bawang. According to studies these ingredients are popular for its health benefits like managing insulin levels, lowering blood sugar levels, aids in managing diabetes symptoms and stimulating the pancreas, spleen and liver to intensify absorption—these ingredients may be able to deliver aid especially for blood sugar control—the must-try product that has all these ingredients is BitterGo. It has all the ingredients needed for aiding in blood sugar control! Ampalaya has the ability to lower the amount of sugar in the blood, Banaba helps in controlling the spike up of sugar levels, Luyang Dilaw promotes good control in blood sugar levels and Bawang/Garlic helps in increasing insulin which improves the body’s glucose tolerance and helps in lowering cholesterol levels as well.

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Monday, February 19, 2018

I Love My Liver

Our liver is one of the most hardworking organs in your body. It clears the waste products and toxins our body produces or take in. It also helps in digestion and metabolising of drugs and nutrients for our body. If you keep taking your liver for granted, it might be hard to cope with life as it is very essential to your everyday living. Some liver disease can be handled properly but more often than not, liver damage is irreversible and can cause complications over time. That’s why we have to make sure we give our liver the tender loving care it deserves.

  • Not drinking excessive alcohol can help avoid the development of fatty liver.
  • Weight watching is important in avoiding obesity. Being obese can cause liver cirrhosis or a non-alcoholic fatty liver.
  • Detoxify and make sure to get the right nutrients not just for your liver but for the over-all health of your body by incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet every day and getting supplements that has a high amount of Silymarin and Vitamin C. With this, your immune system becomes stronger while your body detoxifies naturally. Vitamin C and Milk Thistle or Silymarin. All these can help promote the growth of new liver cells while strengthening the liver health thus the prevention of liver diseases. There are food supplements that are easy to buy which has the combination of Silymarin and Sodium Ascorbate but the only product that I have tried which I have been really happy with is LiverMarin. LiverMarin has Silymarin and Sodium Ascorbate that may help prevent over-production of insulin, manage SGPT/SGOT levels, prevent liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis and can even help prevent the liver from Hepatitis A and B.

We only have one liver and we can’t afford to lose it so we shall make sure we give it the love it needs. 

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Friday, February 16, 2018

Sugar and Sweets Aren’t All Nice

Sure, anything that has sugar in it either tastes lovely or basically scrumptious! It’s also very easy to get your fix of sugary stuff because honestly, it is on almost everything there is in the market. Your favourite cupcake, chocolate, soda, fruit juice, ice cream and every delicious stuff you can think of probably has so much sugar in it which is why it can be alarming especially if you knew the bad effects of sugar.

  1. Added sugar has no essential nutrient and is bad for your teeth!
  2. Too much sugar can be bad for the liver.
  3. Sugar can cause dopamine release in the brain which can get you addicted to more sugar.
  4. It is the leading contributor to Obesity.
  5. Sugar can cause insulin resistance making you at risk for metabolic syndrome and Diabetes.

Of course, it is almost impossible to not have sugar intake but proportionate sizes and moderate amounts of it will not hurt. It’s also good to have something that can balance out the sugar intake like vegetables, fruits and food supplements that contain several components which can help in controlling blood sugar levels.

When it comes to supplements, it’s best to look for Ampalaya supplements or anything that has the combination of Ampalaya, Banaba, Luyang Dilaw and Bawang. According to studies these ingredients are popular for its health benefits like managing insulin levels, lowering blood sugar levels, aids in managing diabetes symptoms and stimulating the pancreas, spleen and liver to intensify absorption—these ingredients may be able to deliver aid especially for blood sugar control—the must-try product that has all these ingredients is BitterGo. It has all the ingredients needed for aiding in blood sugar control! Ampalaya has the ability to lower the amount of sugar in the blood, Banaba helps in controlling the spike up of sugar levels, Luyang Dilaw promotes good control in blood sugar levels and Bawang/Garlic helps in increasing insulin which improves the body’s glucose tolerance and helps in lowering cholesterol levels as well.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Ready for Valentine’s Day!

If you are thinking of ways on how you would treat your girl on Valentine’s Day with a bang, make sure to put emotional effort in your plans and veer away from clichés. How to do that? Here are tips that will make your Valentine’s Day worthwhile without too much clichéd stuff:

  • Create a simple love letter for your girl – Love letters, no matter how simple it is creates a very big impact on girls. It touches their emotions which sets a good mood that may lead to an even greater night.
  • Take her to her favourite restaurant – This does not only make her happy because it’s her favourite restaurant but it says something a lot about making her feel that her choices and decisions matter to you.
  • Opt for a staycation if both of your schedules permit – staycations are actually way better than facing the hassle of bad traffic around Manila. Also, it’s your best bet on having an amazing quality time with her intimately and emotionally.

On your staycation, why not surprise her with an explosive intimate performance? If you want to spice things up intimately, there are over the counter supplements that help enhance libido and vigor, taking lovemaking to the next level. Look for supplements that have ingredients such as Spiral Algae, Corn Extract, Hawthorn Berry Extract, Medlar Extract, Cistanche Salsa Extract and Ginseng. These are powerful ingredients packed with benefits!

Spiral Algae helps in improving the body strength and enhances the immune system. Corn Extract and Hawthorn Berry improves blood circulation and aids in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. Medlar Extract has high amounts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals packed with health benefits for the over-all strength of the body. Cistanche Salsa Extract and Ginseng enhances the muscle functions, strengthens the immune system and increases libido for men. These ingredients when combined can help the overall health of the body and can even fight erectile dysfunction for men. Aside from the health benefits it provides, intimacy and endurance in lovemaking may be more satisfying. A product with all these key ingredients have been popular for years now, it’s called Robust Extreme. There are a lot of reviews about it and if you want a whole new punch on your lovemaking, give this a try and see for yourself!

Your Valentine’s Day celebration may be simple, but definitely amazing!

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Energy Boost on Date Night!

This coming Valentine’s day, even if you have a date, your world will not stop revolving and your day will keep going by the way it does so you will keep working. It’s not even a holiday so if you’re worried that you will pass out on date night because you’re too tired of everything already then fret not because there are lots of ways on how you can at least pull yourself together and have energy boost!

Tips for energy boost after a long day at work:

  • When you still have a wee bit of time, get a power nap. This will help boost your energy even if it was just a 15 minute nap.
  • Choose to stay calm the whole day and don’t let stress get to you. When you’re stressed out, you’re more prone to feeling exhausted even if you didn’t exert physical work.
  • Hydrate and drink more water. The more you replenish the lost fluid, the better you feel physically.
  • Avoid caffeine intake. Caffeine would just jolt a small amount of energy rather than help you boost it. Instead, look for a supplement that contain combinations of Taurine, Ginseng, Sodium Ascorbate, Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 because these components are known to help provide energy boost and improve alertness and focus without the harmful effects of caffeine. Taurine and Ginseng promotes alertness, reduces stress and provide energy boost, Sodium Ascorbate helps in tiredness prevention and muscle weakness, Vitamin B1 aids in converting food into energy, Vitamin B6 enhances metabolism speed and Vitamin B12 aids in energy production. Now if you think it’s hard to find a product that has benefits like this and caffeine free, I am sure you’d like the new Robust Energy. I have tried it and so far, I am liking the results.

Do these tips and you will surely enjoy your date night filled with energy despite the long day at work!

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