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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Seeking Attention

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Sometime ago, guests were bothered by the behavior of Host Actress (HA) at a non-showbiz event. The event gathered people with similar interests in a field that is stereotypically alluded to as one for the highfalutin crowd. While others attend such events to be seen, others do think of the event as an investment opportunity. During the prestigious event, a talk was being given to the audience. Naturally, everyone was expected to listen and respect the speaker. The audience was expected to be learned and cultured. Subsequently, the people should display the expected behavior.

However, HA seemed to have lacked the proper behavior at the event. She was observed watching videos on her phone. Worse, people next to her were distracted by the high volume of the video. Thus, HA seemed to take attention from the speaker from time to time.

The said behavior of HA left a bad taste in the mouth. It gave the impression that HA was seeking attention but the type of people at the event were not her usual base. HA has built a career over the years to be close to the masses. The said event was attended by the social circle elites, who might not even know her.

‘Behaviour is a mirror in which every one displays his own image.’ ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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  1. Replies
    1. I think sya nga lol

    2. Hindi yan si M, masa lagi ang ganapan nya! Si A yan kasi pabebe lagi sa nga ganyang ganapan!

    3. Wahahhaha oh my thanks klasmeyt!

  2. bitin ang clues 😅

    HA - A.. sya lang naiisip kong gagawa nyan

  3. For the clout pa din kahit dyan?? 🙄

    1. Hindi. Sa instance na ti, out of context ang usage mo ng for rhe clout. Better luck next time.

  4. If she is pretty, all she will get is a slap on the wrist :D :D :D



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