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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Misfired Attraction

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During the lull of a lockdown shooting, Talent 1 (T1) and Talent 2 (T2) were unwinding with a few drinks. T1 then confided to T2 that he was starting to get attracted to Mesmerizing Distraction (MD). MD has always been the type of T1, but she was not single when he was. T2 reminded T1 that he was committed to Talent 3 (T3).

As T3 was involved in other commitments, T1 had a bit of freedom. Despite the reminders of T2, T1 started to hang around with MD. T1 would make conversations with MD, who, given her friendly nature, entertained the small talk. Subsequently, Interfering Talent (IT) reminded MD that T1 has a relationship. MD acknowledged what IT said and added she was just friendly.

The reaction of MD did not satisfy IT. IT was aware that some time ago, MD and T3 had a falling out and she thought that entertaining T1 was deliberate on MD’s part. Allegedly, IT started taking photos of T1 and MD together and sent the photos to T3. One time, IT claimed hearing a staff reprimanding T1 not to spend much time in the room of MD, as that was violating the rules of their lockdown. That incident reached T3 as well.

T3 was furious and directed her ire at T1 and MD. T1 tried to pacify T3, but he was unsuccessful. Hence, he knew their relationship was not going to be smooth in the future. Meanwhile, MD distanced herself from the issue, as she would rather focus on her career than spend time answering accusations.

‘That meddling in other people's affairs...formerly conducted by the most discreet intrigue is now openly advocated under the name of intervention.’ − T. S. Eliot

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