Sunday, June 30, 2019

Excuse Me, Dear

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Small talk always happens to pass time away. At the backstage, especially in the privacy of dressing rooms, expect people, regardless of being a celebrity or part of the production, to engage in talks about issues, gripes, loves, and lives. Such talks often elicit laughter or high emotions. As long as no one confronts the chatters, the talks will continue.

Unknown to certain Production Hires (PHs), their small talk reached Frugal Celebrity (FC) and this story triggered FC to show and tell. PHs were talking about how FC is already poor. They said that because FC only has one show in her station and has no movie projects, her finances have gone down. They even cited that the reason for FC’s financial drop was her alleged support for a former sports personality. Moreover, FC has a reputation for not being as generous as her contemporaries to certain parties during seasonal occasions. In addition, PHs claimed that FC was no longer the station’s favorite, as more attention is being given to two newcomers on primetime, whose show has been doing well against the competition.

When the story reached FC, she was triggered. One taping day, FC came with her high-priced jewelry and designer bags. While preparing for her scene, FC laid her expensive things for PHs to see. After a few minutes, the head, who has no idea of what triggered FC, informed FC that her high-end things have no use for the scenes they were taping for the day. FC was playing the role of someone poor, so her highly-priced stuff cannot be used. FC said she had not read the script for the day and apologized.

When the head left, FC packed up her stuff and said loudly that she had to secure her things first, as there are rumors of things disappearing and assumed stolen. Of course, FC was subtly telling off PHs, who have been rumored to be allegedly responsible for missing stuff.

‘The best ideas will eat at you for days, maybe even weeks, until something, some incident, some impulse, triggers you to finally express them.’ ― Criss Jami

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Tweet Scoop: Julia Barretto and Joshua Garcia Are Now 'Bestest' of Friends, Back to Where They Started

Images and Videos courtesy of Twitter:  mjfelipe

Insta Scoop: James Yap and Michela Cazzola Celebrate Daughter’s 1st Birthday in Italy

Image courtesy of Instagram: michelacazzola

Image courtesy of Instagram: jamesyap18

Insta Scoop: Nico Fowler Publicly Apologizes for Hurting Ex-girlfriend Arianne Bautista

Image courtesy of Instagram: arianne

Images courtesy of Instagram: akoposinico

Saturday, June 29, 2019

No More

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When Business-minded Personality (BP) decided to place her name on Her Product (HP), she took much risk, as she has placed her reputation at stake. Issues, such as negative feedback on HP, are bound to happen, but BP did not bother to think of such. At the beginning, BP believed in HP and confidently made her way into the retail business.

With word-of-mouth, HP became a must-have item and soon, orders were coming. With business booming, it was time to share the opportunity. BP opened to resellers, who were happy at first, as they had sure buyers. The reputation of HP was high and many were interested in buying.

A product, however, is only as good as its consistency. In other words, the product should be able to withstand time and remain as good, or even better, than when it was first introduced. Unfortunately, as business boomed, HP suffered from unexpected feedback.

When A Reseller (AR) decided to give feedback about HP to BP, AR was shocked at the reaction. AR was receiving complaints that HP was not commensurate with the price. HP was a bit over the taste clients expected and the amount was too few for the price the product commanded. AR tried to let BP know, but all the latter did was give the former the cold shoulder.

Soon, AR noticed that BP was sending fewer stocks as time passed. Rather than be enslaved at the seemingly lack of care of BP, AR politely said she was stopping her reselling of HP. No fireworks were ignited and AR did not bother show disappointment. Although AR’s words were pleasant, BP’s reaction was not.

Instead of considering the feedback, BP told AR that AR does not have to reason out for opting to drop as a reseller. Moreover, AR should not make false claims. In short, BP believed that AR was just making up the negative feedback as a way to get out of their relationship as seller-reseller.  

‘Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.’ – Conrad Hilton 

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Insta Scoop: Prenup Photos of Valerie Concepcion and Francis Sunga

Images courtesy of Instagram: v_concepcion

Image courtesy of Instagram: niceprintphoto

Repost: Husband of Radio Personality Suspended for Unexplained Bank Deposits While Working as Security Guard for Customs

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A Customs security guard at the Port of Manila has been suspended and is currently being investigated for allegedly having about P1.9 million in several bank accounts.

According to an exclusive report by Jun Veneracion on 24 Oras on Wednesday, Renly Tiñana has only had one plantilla position at the Bureau of Customs (BOC) since 2002: Security Guard 2. At the port, Tiñana was assigned as a spot checker to inspect shipments and drew a monthly salary of P14,000.

However, an investigation by the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS) has found that Tiñana keeps nearly P2 million in different bank accounts.

"Given 'yung salary grade niya, if at all, it warrants na kami ay tingnan namin kung ito ba ay naakma sa kakayahan niya o sa kakayahan ng pamilya niya na magkaroon ng ganito kalaking deposits," said Customs Assistant Commissioner Jet Maronilla in the report. 

The CIIS looked into four bank accounts allegedly belonging to Tiñana, containing funds amounting to P1.9 million. 

Investigators took special notice of large funds that entered and exited the accounts, including P2.5 million that was deposited and then withdrawn on the same day. 

"Ang naging red flag lang din kasi sa investigation ng CIIS, sa pagkakaalam namin sa report na ginawa nila, eh yung period kasi ng April at saka May, medyo substantial yung transactions ng pag deposito," said Maronilla. 

The BOC has sought the assistance of the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) to look into the bank transactions, and has also requested a lifestyle check on Tiñana from the Department of Finance (DOF), of which the BOC is a part.

The Customs bureau has also tapped the National Bureau of Investigation to help with the criminal investigation.

Grave misconduct

According to the report, the bureau learned of Tiñana's bank accounts after the arrest on May 20 of a fake Customs employee who supposedly would deposit money into the security guard's accounts.

More than P150,000 in cash was confiscated from the fake employee inside the Port of Manila, as well as deposit slips and Tiñana's alleged passbooks. 

An administrative case has been filed against Tiñana, who has also been slapped with a three-month preventive suspension.

On June 20, Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero instructed that Tiñana be charged with grave misconduct and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of public service.

Tiñana's lawyer declined to be interviewed on camera for the report, but showed GMA News their written comment on the Customs investigation.

The Tiñana camp's comment claimed that the P150,000 carried by the fake employee was part of the salary of Tiñana's wife, who earns much more than her husband, and that the BOC should return the money as well as some of his personal property.

The CIIS, however, does not think much of the explanation. "Sa investigation na ginawa ng CIIS, it would seem na hindi siya justified, kasi ang recommendation ng CIIS ay mag-file ng administrative charges," said Maronilla. — BM, GMA News

Repost: Song-Song Couple Divorce Ongoing

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Song Joong Ki has officially filed for divorce from Song Hye Kyo.

On June 27, Song Joong Ki’s attorney Park Jae Hyun officially announced, “Our law firm filed for divorce on behalf of Song Joong Ki at the Seoul Family Court on June 26. Additionally, we would like to convey Song Joong Ki’s official statement.”

In his statement, Song Joong Ki apologized to his fans and explained that he hoped for an amicable divorce.

The actor’s full statement is as follows:

Hello. This is Song Joong Ki.

First, I’d like to apologize for delivering this unfortunate news to the many fans who love and care for me.

I have begun the process of filing for divorce from Song Hye Kyo.

Rather than denouncing one another and arguing over who is to blame, I hope that the divorce process can be wrapped up amicably.

I ask for your understanding in regards to the fact that it is difficult to discuss the details of my personal life, and I will recover from my current wounds and do my utmost as an actor to repay you through great productions in the future.

Thank you.

Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo married in October 2017 after starring together in the hit drama “Descendants of the Sun.”

Friday, June 28, 2019

Responsible Parenting

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Love shared by young people can be challenging for people around them, especially with family pretending they like the partner for their kin. However, family can only do so much. When Celebrity Son (CS) admitted he and Network Talent (NT) were already an official couple, his revelation was met with admiration. These days, very few celebrities admit they are in real relationships, but CS did not play by the rules and proclaimed the truth.

The happiest person with the revelation is NT, as she no longer has to hide her being committed to someone. Although the relationship would limit her being partnered with other male talents, career decisions seemed to not matter. NT is a supportive, loving, and proud partner of CS.

When the family of CS was asked for reactions concerning the relationship, Parents 1 and 2 were happy, as they know how to play the limelight already. P1 was coy about his son having a life dedicated to NT, but P2 had a different attitude as soon as things were back in private.

The household staff informed P2 that CS and NT would often hang around their home and stay in the bedroom of CS. As P1 and P2 have commitments to attend to every day, they could not monitor the behavior of their kids and they do trust them to behave accordingly. However, when P2 learned about CS and NT spending too much time in the bedroom, she did not hesitate to talk to CS. After all, the family has a reputation to protect.

Among her friends, P2 allegedly confided that while she respects NT for being the girlfriend of CS, her becoming a daughter-in-law does not necessarily follow. Things were fine until the moments when NT would spend too much time in their home and sometimes in their business office, with CS.

Later, P2 was shocked to see the credit card statements of CS, as the charges seemed over the top. Most charges were spent on groceries from a well known supermarket. Knowing CS, P2 knew doing groceries was the last thing he would do. Thus, P2 decided to investigate and according to her sources, NT and her kin would often do their shopping at the said store. P2 realized who then was footing the grocery bills. P2 told CS about her discovery and the latter could only keep quiet, as financially, he is very dependent on his parents. P2, however, did not stop there. She secretly talked to NT about going to their house. The talk bore fruit, as NT hardly shows up in their house these days.

With P2 making her presence felt in the relationship of CS and NT, the young couple would have to play along her rules or else, they risk becoming another ‘you and me against the world’ story or have an abrupt end to their budding love.

‘Meddling is what we do. It’s what defines us. Meddling gave us fire and tools and civilisation and the keys to the universe. Fingers will get burnt along the way, yes. That’s the way of it.’ ― Alastair Reynolds

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