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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Energy Boost on Date Night!

This love month, even if you have a date, your world will not stop revolving and your day will keep going by the way it does so you will keep working. It’s not even a holiday so if you’re worried that you will pass out on date night because you’re too tired of everything already then fret not because there are lots of ways on how you can at least pull yourself together and have energy boost!

Tips for energy boost after a long day at work:

  • When you still have a wee bit of time, get a power nap. This will help boost your energy even if it was just a 15 minute nap.
  • Choose to stay calm the whole day and don’t let stress get to you. When you’re stressed out, you’re more prone to feeling exhausted even if you didn’t exert physical work.
  • Hydrate and drink more water. The more you replenish the lost fluid, the better you feel physically.
  • Avoid caffeine intake. Caffeine would just jolt a small amount of energy rather than help you boost it. Instead, look for a supplement that contain combinations of Taurine, Ginseng, Sodium Ascorbate, Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 because these components are known to help provide energy boost and improve alertness and focus without the harmful effects of caffeine.

Taurine and Ginseng promotes alertness, reduces stress and provide energy boost, Sodium Ascorbate helps in tiredness prevention and muscle weakness, Vitamin B1 aids in converting food into energy, Vitamin B6 enhances metabolism speed and Vitamin B12 aids in energy production. Now if you think it’s hard to find a product that has benefits like this and caffeine free, I am sure you’d like the new Robust Energy. I have tried it and so far, I am liking the results.

Do these tips and you will surely enjoy your date night filled with energy despite the long day at work!

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