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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Importance of Cleansing the Colon

The colon or also known as large intestines, is the one responsible for moving digested food and waste with a motion known as “peristalsis”. The primary function of the colon is to absorb water  electrolytes and vitamins. It is also responsible in preparing and storing fecal waste prior to elimination. The colon, along with the skin, kidneys and lungs, is a major organ of elimination of toxins and waste. If bowel movements are not regular, the waste products and toxins accumulate and can compromise our health. It is important to know how to take care of our colon and how to avoid the diseases that might come with it if we do not look after our colon.

Colon cleansing has been popular in the world as it gives a lot of benefits to the body. When you detoxify your colon, you detoxify your whole body that leads to a whole new level of cleansing. We give you the TOP 5 benefits of colon cleansing and your body will thank you for that in the long run.


1. It makes the digestive system more effective.

- As the colon is cleansed, it pushes undigested waste through your system, clearing the way for good nutrient absorption. If waste remains in the body for too long, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. A clean colon from a colon detox allows undigested waste to pass easily through your system.

2. It increases energy.

- Releasing the toxins from your body is rejuvenating because it refocuses the energy usually used for forcing waste through your intestines to other parts of your body. People who have undergone colon detoxification say they have better blood circulation, more restful sleep and a boost in energy.

3. It increases the body’s absorption of vitamins and nutrients.

- A colon that has been cleansed allows only water, vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream, rather than releasing toxins and bacteria through the colon walls. When the colon is detoxified, it clears the way for essential nutrients to filter into your body unobstructed

4. It decreases the risk of colon cancer.

- All the toxins that you eat, drink, breathe in and absorb through your skin end up being processed by your gastrointestinal system and liver. If they are not forced from your colon and liver as quickly as possible, they can wreak havoc on your body's systems. By releasing stagnant body waste, you reduce the causes and the risk of polyps, cysts and cancerous growths in your colon and gastrointestinal tract.

5. It kick-starts weight loss.

- A colon cleansing can result in significant weight loss and kick-start your metabolism, as well as refocus your attention on better food choices and whole-body wellness.

It is always best to look after your health and know the importance of what you’re doing. Also, did you know that FatOut supports colon cleanse? FatOut with other slimming supplements, FatOut’s strength is its ability to really help clean the colon and get rid of the waste as it is easily taken out of our system. With FatOut, you will experience the revolutionary Sweep and Shred Formula which cleanses the colon and burn down fats for a healthier and sexier you.

FatOut is an all-natural supplement that helps out in losing weight and making sure the body is healthy. No bad side effects. No palpitations, no sleepless nights, no diarrhoea effect! Although it is  always helpful and healthier to exercise so you can lose weight, FatOut can help you shred those extra fats without extensive exercise.

With the unique blend of Pu’er Tea Extract that eliminates hard-to-digest fats, Aloe Vera Powder which aids in detoxifying the body, Alfalfa which nourishes the digestive system, Oat Fiber which controls the appetite, together with the powerful Green Tea Extract which is best known for its effective aid with weight loss as it burns and shreds fats by speeding up metabolism and the Psyllium Husk being responsible for cleansing the colon by sweeping away the toxins in our body. These amazing blends make losing weight, staying fit and being healthy; effective and easy. All of which makes up the revolutionary Sweep and Shred Formula that helps in losing weight even without extensive exercise! Stand Out with FatOut.

FatOut is high content 100% Pure extract of Pu’er Tea, Aloe Vera, Alfalfa, Oat Fiber, Green Tea and Psyllium Husk that is made more effective than powdered ingredients. It is a product of extensive research and development that guarantees top quality and excellent promising health results which makes it absolutely different from other supplements.

Note that, FatOut is not a medicinal drug and should not be used to treat the symptoms of any disease.

FatOut should be taken daily, before every meal, preferably with a warm glass of water. FatOut is SRP P125.00 per capsule available at all Mercury Drug, Watsons and other leading drugstores and supermarkets nationwide

Source: Available upon request.

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