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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Be Flawless and Have Effortless Beauty this Summer with Vita-E

During summer, we are so used to visiting the beaches we have here in the Philippines. There are a lot of activities to do aside from just swimming and basking in the sun right? You have the option to surf, go diving, island hopping, snorkelling and the list goes on! Sometimes, you even have to go trekking for your island hopping right? But after all the fun, you usually go home with a red burned skin. Then it usually lasts for several weeks and a couple of lengthy months to go back to your original complexion. However, the main thing is not how your physical skin looks like (although it’s one of your concerns) but how your skin feels. Sun burn is inevitable but there are other ways to take good care of your skin after the suffering. In preparation for summer, make sure you always moisturize your skin and protect it from harm. Make it a point to have the right supplement that will aid you, your cells and definitely your skin to avoid damage.

Yes! There are helpful over-the-counter vitamins that do the moisturizing internally by its antioxidant properties from Vitamin E. ATC Healthcare’s VITA-E is a 400 IU soft gel capsule that contains Vitamin E. Vitamin E protects and repairs your skin from free radicals. Aside from that it helps in maintaining the functions of the heart and blood vessels, protects the immune system, and even lowers the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke. Most importantly, it maintains the skin’s youthful glow. Vita-E does all these and you are assured that you’re healthy inside and out.

Now, you’ll be more confident as ever flaunting your flawless and effortless beauty with Vita-E. No matter what the occasion is, your skin is cared for by Vita-E.

Vita-E is high content 100% Pure 400 IU Vitamin E that is made more effective than other Vitamin E preparation. It is a product of extensive research and development that guarantees top quality and excellent promising health results which makes it absolutely different from other over-the-counter vitamins.

Vita-E should be taken daily, before or after every meal, preferably with a warm glass of water. Vita-E is SRP P14.00 per soft gel capsule available at all Mercury Drug, Watsons and other leading drugstores nationwide.

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