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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Repost: Paris Attacks Kill More Than 100, Police Say; Border Controls Tightened

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The Paris area reeled Friday night from a shooting rampage, explosions and mass hostage-taking that President François Hollande called an unprecedented terrorist attack on France. His government announced sharply increased border controls and heightened police powers as it mobilized the military in a national emergency.

French television and news services quoted the police as saying that around 100 people had been killed at a concert site where hostages had been held during a two-hour standoff with the police, and that perhaps dozens of others had been killed in apparently coordinated attacks outside the country’s main sports stadium and four other popular locations in the city. But estimates on the total number of dead varied.

Witnesses on French television said the scene at the concert hall, which can seat as many as 1,500 people, was a massacre, describing how gunmen with automatic weapons shot bursts of bullets into the crowd.

Ambulances were seen racing back and forth in the area into the early hours of Saturday, and hundreds of survivors were evacuated in police buses. French television said Paris hospitals were overwhelmed with wounded.

News agencies quoted Michel Cadot, head of the Paris police, as saying early Saturday that all the assailants involved in shootings or bombings were believed to be dead, and the Paris prosecutor’s office said that eight attackers were dead, according to The Associated Press.

But the total number involved in the attacks, including accomplices still at large, remained unclear.

“We are going to try and determine what happened, determine what the profiles of these terrorists are, find out what their course of action was, find out if there are still accomplices or co-attackers,” said François Molins, the public prosecutor for Paris.

The casualties eclipsed by far the deaths in Paris during the massacre at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and related assaults around the French capital by Islamic militant extremists less than a year ago.

Those attacks traumatized France and other countries in Europe, elevating fears of religious extremism and violent jihadists who have been radicalized by the conflicts in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East and North Africa.

An explosion near the sports stadium, the Stade de France, which French news services said was apparently a suicide bombing, occurred as the German and French national teams were playing a soccer match, forcing a hasty evacuation of Mr. Hollande. As the scope of the assaults quickly became clear, he convened an emergency cabinet meeting and announced that France was placing severe restrictions on its border crossings.

“As I speak, terrorist attacks of an unprecedented scale are taking place in the Paris region,” he said in a nationally televised address. “There are several dozen dead, lots more wounded. It’s horrific.”

Mr. Hollande said that on his orders the government had “mobilized all the forces we can muster to neutralize the threats and secure all of the areas.”

President Obama came to the White House briefing room to express solidarity and offer aid and condolences. “Once again, we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians,” he said. “This is an attack not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share.” Other world leaders quickly condemned the assaults.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Twitter erupted with celebratory messages by members and sympathizers of the Islamic State, the extremist group based in Syria and Iraq that is under assault by major powers, including the United States, France and Russia.

The main shooting broke out at a popular music hall, the Bataclan, where the American band Eagles of Death Metal was among those playing. French news services said as many as 100 hostages may have been taken there, many of them apparently killed later. Some accounts said that grenades had been lobbed inside the music hall and that some of the assailants had detonated suicide vests.

A witness told BFM television that he heard rounds of automatic rifle fire and someone shouting “Allahu akbar!” at the Bataclan.

Another witness who escaped the concert hall told BFM: “When they started shooting we just saw flashes. People got down on the ground right away.”

The police ordered bystanders in that area of the city to get off the streets as officers mobilized. Government officials urged people elsewhere to stay indoors.

Other French news media reported that Kalashnikov rifles had been involved in the shootings — a favored weapon of militants who have attacked targets in France — and that many rounds had been fired.

Police sirens sounded throughout central Paris on Friday night.

Despite the increased border security, air travel in and out of Paris appeared to be unaffected. Officials at Charles de Gaulle Airport confirmed that flights had not been suspended, although security had been heightened significantly. Both departing and arriving passengers and baggage were being screened thoroughly.

Germany’s interior minister, Thomas de Maizière, said early Saturday that he had offered to send military assistance to France if requested. “I am in close contact with my French colleague and have offered assistance through German special forces,” he said in a statement.

Loretta E. Lynch, the United States attorney general, also offered help. “We stand in solidarity with France, as it has stood with us so often in the past,” she said in a statement. “This is a devastating attack on our shared values, and we at the Department of Justice will do everything within our power to assist and work in partnership with our French law enforcement colleagues.”

While the police in American cities, including New York and Washington, said they were following the events, there was no indication of possible attacks planned in the United States.

“We will not hesitate to adjust our security posture, as appropriate, to protect the American people,” the F.B.I. and Department of Homeland Security said in a statement.

American and European counterterrorism officials were reviewing wiretaps and other electronic surveillance records, but a senior American security official said there was no immediate indication that there had been suspicious chatter or other warning signs before the attack.

Unlike the attacks against Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket in January, terrorism experts said, the attacks on the targets on Friday had no apparent rationale. Instead, assailants appeared to strike at random in hip neighborhoods on a Friday night when many people would be starting to enjoy the weekend.

“It’s a Friday night, and there’s a lot of people out, a lot of tourists out,” said a senior European counterterrorism official. “If you want maximum exposure, you do it like this, in the dark, when it’s scarier and more difficult for police to act.”


  1. Nakakatakot sobra. Kahit sa neighboring countries alert din sila. Nakakatakot tuloy pumunta sa crowded places ngayon specially saturday. Lord protect us.

    1. They are going to use Islam and the Muslim world for the war! Naipaint na nga nila yan sa mural sa Denver International Airport yung sequence ng gagawin nila! With the help of Armenia!

    2. true..Europe is now on mourn and fear....Some hearsays London,Rome,Milan ang next target..pero wag naman sana
      ..may the Lord help and protect us.

    3. We hear these terror attacks in Israel, Iraq and Syria on a daily basis but we don't overwhelmingly react. But when France was all over the news, people make it look like a huge headliner. I hope and pray for the entire world peace. Please let's reflect on this.

    4. Wag naman sana. Pero naisip ko lang bat di na intelligence yung gagawa sana ng ganun? Di ba naattack na rin ang paris months aho. Ibig sabihin ang intelligence police ay walang kakayahan. At tsaka mparami pa ng parami ngayon ang galing ng syria na papunta ng western europe. Oo hindi lahat terrorista pero madali na lang mag recruit ang mga terorista ngayon. Online na. At itong mga kabataang muslim na nag migrate sa europe, may possibilities na ma recruit sila in the future kasi madali silang ma brainwash lalo na kapag sinabihan sila ng kay allah itong gagawin nyo. Wahhhh

    5. Anon 12:58 because you don't expect terror attacks in the developed regions of western Europe! Israel is at war with Palestine and Iraq and Syria are politically unstable states! You see the difference? If these things happen in the most developed regions of the world then it says a lot about the power and influence of ISIS

    6. Guys and gals, please, PLEASE don't spew hatred on our Muslim friends. Those regular guys whom you go to work with, those you've known for years cos they live in the same neighborhood, hell, those who are working hard, day by day, just so they could put food on the table. Don't hate them for their religion. These are innocent people who just happened to believe in a god that 's different from ours. I know it's VERY hard to turn the other cheek given the circumstances but that's exactly what we have to do right now. Not only because it's morally upright thing to do (I don't read the Bible, but come on, isn't that the one that says choose love over hate?) but because this is how we can help combat those mofo-ing nutheads whose ideals are beyond crazy not even a house rat could comprehend them.

      You see, us hating on Muslims is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. They want us to turn these good guys away, insult them, hurt them, make them feel unwelcome. Why? BECAUSE THAT MAKES RECRUITMENT EASY. For every Muslim we condemn into that hideous way of living, we run the risk of creating another militant, another radical. Another boogeyman who will be used to strengthen their force until The Ultimate War between their side and ours finally happens. One, of course, that according to their "prophet" they will win.

      So really, with everything that's happening (Pres Hollande promising a "pitiless war" with other world leaders backing him up), our own immediate response can't be violence. Not against good Muslims. Not against good refugees.

      But if you happen to casually run into one of these heartless pigs whose sole aim in life is to inflict as much terror as possible for the sake of god-knows-what, I may have some ideas for you, but that is a discussion for another day.

    7. Whether we hate them or not, still they do it.. So it's not going to affect their views if we hate them or not.

  2. May earthquake din sa Japan kaninang umaga. 7.1 magnitude, tas ung sa Lebanon na suicide bombing at ung mga patay na bata sa isang bahay sa Germany. Ano na ba ang nangyayari sa mundo?

    1. Revelation malapit na tlga end of the world🙏

  3. im watching cnn now and its clearly isis . haay sana lng mapuksa na yang mga evil forces na yan

    1. Hindi po sila mapupuksa kasi napakalawak nila. Lalo na ang online recruitment nila sa mga kabataang muslim.

  4. Grabe talaga mga extremist nah yan. Ayaw nila matawag nah terorista pero ganyan ang ginagawa nila. In that way nagoglorify ba talaga nila ang God nila? O iba ang God nah tinatawag nila kesa sa God naten.

  5. Truly heartbreaking. Let's all continue to pray for Paris.

  6. Sana napansin din ng mga tao yung mga pailaw ng mga corporate buildings at other landmarks ng ibat ibang mga bansa na hawak ng mga Masons and Jesuits! Question ko is ganun ba kabilis ang pagset up ng mga ganung lights ng color ng France (wala pang 5hrs) or hinanda na ng mga me pakana talaga nung incident na yun yung mga sympathetuc lighting colors parang nung paghahanda nila for 9/11 incident na kung saan nai-news na gumuho na ang building 7 kahit nakatayo pa ito!!!! Wag na kayong paloko ang san francisco pa talaga yung parang whitehouse nila dun ang handa agad ang pailaw ng colors ng France well, San Francisco, France, Francis =666!!!!! They will put this blame on Isis and Muslims na sila din naman nagpapatakbo! Next year they will martyr Francis at mas matinding sympathy ang gagawin ng mundo dahil hindi nila alam na si Francis ang white sheep nila na nasa emblem ng puerto rico at INC na nakaupo sa libro ng mga Mason! Rev.13....

    1. Seriously???!!! Ano pinaglalaban mo? Shunga! Dami mo satsat teh ikain mo nlang yan

    2. Oo nga no! Di ba matagal usually maglagay ng mga pailaw pero meron nga agad. Parang nakahanda na nga...Creepy yung observation mo baks!

    3. 3:43, isa ka din ba sa mga naniniwala na hindi totoo ang holocaust? Na actor portrayal lang ang mga emaciated prisoners?

    4. 3:43 Kinilabutan naman ako dito. Ano yon parang pasko pinaghandaan na yung kulay na yun ng mga ilaw? As in alam na nilang me ganung mangyayare? Kashokot ito ah!

    5. Hay naku kape ka muna teh. Magdasal at wag kung anu ano papaniwalaan mong nababasa mo sa tabi tabi.

    6. Maging realistic ka nga. Pinagsasasabi mo jan.

    7. Baka naman kasi equipped na yung mga buildings nila ng mga LED LIGHTS kaya ganun. Sa mga high end cars like Benz S-600SL? yung interior lights nun pwedeng mag iba iba. Pero Mahal nga kasi lang yung mga ganun.

    8. Ok ka lang anon 3:43?

    9. you're seriously off your rocker, dear. this is not the time

    10. Omg 3:43, get a life!!!

    11. Oo nga. Bigla din akong nagka mind- grane...hehehe. Ano daw???

    12. Teh, ano pinaglalaban mo? Sakit mo sa bangs e.

    13. Teh, wag masyadong suminghot ng katol ha ne.

    14. 3:43 - Somebody missed taking their meds.

    15. finally someone reads aboiut Freemasons and Jesuits. I read a lot and saw proofs that U.S 911 is an inside job. they are the one funding the ISIS so, they can start their main propaganda for the coming years which is The NWO New World Order. (One government, One Religion)

      We can see at the back of the dollar bill the symbol of pyramid with All Seeing Eyes.

      Behind all of this is satan, the Elite sold their Soul to the devil in exchange of power fame and money. So yes, politics, government, entertainment are all Illuminati, puppets of Satan, misleading us to hell. Do your research, pray and repent..

    16. Ive heard a lot about conspiracy and secret society to achieve One World Nation. Though its hard to be believe, ilang years ko nah din naririnig and a lot of docus nah din ang napanood ko eh, hindi pa din talaga ko makapaniwala jhan. Pero its so creepy lang din nga if you will notice, nagpapattern lahat sa revelation ng holy bible. Your comment is interesting

    17. @5:04 Hindi ka ba nagtataka na the world seems to be ready with their France colors in their lightings?! At the same night the tragedy struck?! Hindi man lang naipagpabukas ng gabi to prepare to put those light colors?! AYAW mo bang paganahin isip mo? Baka kasi o**b ka kaninang umaga nangyare yun sa time natin pero gabi sa time ng mga nagpailaw and Hindi ka ba nagtaka na ang bilis ng phasing?!

    18. mga baks what are you talking about the lightings?sorry cant relate..busy sa work now lang nakarelax coz weekend.

    19. @2:09 madali lang nmn talaga mag-switch ng colour ng nga lights dahil na-install na yan doon. Para ka lang nagbukas ng ilaw. Mamimili ka lang kung anong kulay e-click mo. Meron pa ngang parang sumasayaw... ano va?

    20. Havent you heard of LED lights??? Same lang yan with ayala triangle where they could control the lights.

    21. Naisip ko din yan but then they have more than enough people to set those lightings up!! Wag masyadong manood ng thriller films!!! And FYI those coloured lights u're talking about has been set up the following day! The attack happened around 21:16 approximately..Paris time. TIME DIFFERENCE baks! #worldpeace

    22. @10:16 what are you saying? They have those lights right after the attack! The date was 11/13/2015 nighttime on the western side and 11/14/2015 Early daytime on our side! So what following day???? Are you not updated on the #PrayForParis trend?! Pictures and videos on CNN are all over!!! So what has been set up the following day?! Do you not know how time works around the world?!!

    23. Hindi mahirap maglagay ng pailaw kasi may mga ganong equipment sa mga landmarks iibahin lng nila effect/lights colour #firstworldcountries yan ano ba

    24. good observation!illuminati is coming. even mark zuckerberg.bakit sa france lang?dalawang bansa yung binomba, bakit france?and the pattern is there...

    25. So alam ba o hindi ito ni obama? Naalala ko noon nung tatakbo pa lang syang president. Sabi nya, pag nahalal ako, ipupull out ko agad lahat ng US soldiers sa Iraq. Wala na tayong gagawin dun-sabi nya. Sus hanggang ngayon andun pa rin sila. Sana tinupad nya para ang mga tao doon sa iraq sila na bahala sa buhay nila at wag ng madamay ang iba. Magpatayan sila kung gusto nila para wala ng refugees.

    26. hahaha kalechehan. chat mo ko pag alam mo na kung paano sumali sa new world order na yan ng yumaman ako ha?

  7. My God! Nakakakilabot! Parang isang pelikula?! Paris Has Fallen... #PrayForParis

  8. #LetThereBePeaceOnEarth

  9. This is why we are so against so called refugees coming into EU. First of all they are not really seeking refuge, rather for welfare. They are being provided housing and food and other assistance through taxes. As I see it, they are being pampered, and yet they demand so much. And if the govt does not give in to their command, they play the discrimination card and rally on the once peaceful streets. Not that i take this against all muslims or refugees, but they can easily be persuaded on doing some things like this in the name of their religion.
    I can go on and on about this issue because I am seeing it firsthand.

    1. i totally agree with you. entitlement is a scary thing

    2. Hindi ba si Pope ang nageencourage na iaccept mga refugees?

    3. I dont know why did EU take the responsibility to take care and welcome refugees to think na isang malaking threat ang mga yun.

    4. Isnt the Pope push for that?

    5. The UN imposed to all the countries who signed the refugee pact to accept the maximum number of refugees they pledged... Stay safe!

    6. Their liberals should be blamed. So much for bleeding hearts! Those refugees consisted more of able-bodied young Muslim men (could be members of ISIS) who could definitely stay and fight for their countries. Not your typical women and children refugees! Those refugees are more like a trojan horse of more terrorist acts to come to EU!

    7. Tayo din naman dba. Nagkupkop ng refugees though madaming tumututol kaso nga yung sariling mga tao nga sa pinas eh hindi maalagaan tas magkukupkop pa. Knock on wood nalang pero sana wag tayo mapasok ng mga yan knowing nah mas incompetent pa ang mga politikong nakaupo sa gobyerno natin kesa sa mga Rogelios ni Lola Nidora.

    8. Anlaki ng nagastos ko paglakad ng papel papunta dito sa EU, kailangan pa mag aral ng lenggwahe nila, hirap makakita ng trabaho, tapos sila, paupo upo lang kasi may monthly allowance. Sino ba naman di manggigil? Tapos pag may 1 nagalit sa kanila, magsampa na ng discrimination case, pagkakaperahan din kasi nila yun. Ang hirap kumilos. Wag sana dumating ang panahon na sila na ang majority sa mga bansang ito.

    9. I totally agree with you! These #%^} are refugees in disguise. EU are so naive. Dalat si Merkel ibala sa kanyon yan! I will not be surprised if Germany is next! Those refugees are healthy people, they refused food instead they want money!

    10. I agree. Very demanding people. Wala silang trabaho kasi nga naman malaki tinatanggap nila. Kasalanan ng eu dahil sa agreement na yan. Hindi mo talaga makikita sa kanila kung sino mga terorista. Pag naka settle na sila sa europe siempre meron pa rin silang mga kontak sa mga kamag anak nila sa syria o iraq or afga... Tapos ang mga isis naman, ang mga kababayan nila na nasa europe na, nirerecruit nila kasi naman tong mga to, walang mag aakala na terorista kasi refugee nga, kaya panalo na naman ang isis.
      Nakita nyo yung sa 9/11? Ang mga gumawa professionals, mga may pinag aralan. Nobody saw it coming - dahil nga akala nila ang mga trrorista nasa afganistan langwala sa US, ang di nila alam, may mga correspondence pala ang mga to thru mga emails o internet. Ibig sabihin na recruit ni Osama online ang mga muslim na yun. Kasi madali silang ma brainwash , pag sasabihin na kay Allah tong gagawin mo, hindi sila magdadalawang isip.

    11. Sa dami na ng refugees sa europe lalo na sa Germany at Sweden, maniniwala kayong wala silang kontak back in Syria. Tanga lang ang di naniniwala.

    12. exactly, a trojan horse. thats why i dont blame people who did not want to take them in. call it heartless but we have to think about our families first.

  10. im sorry to say this but they started it with that Charlie Hebdo caricature of Mohammad. offensive nga naman yun.. let's pray for Paris but also for other countries experiencing this everyday na hindi nababalita.. :(

    1. Bago pa yan, madami ng minock na religous group ang Charlie Hebdo. Pero wala silang pinatay. May mga muslim na balat sibuyas talaga.

    2. This has nothing to do with that. Do you know where it took. A football match, restaurants, streets and a metal concert. The biggest casualties are from Bactalan concert hall, people where there to enjoy a concert not to insult areligion or belief. The places where choosen because of quality of people around. How could you say that? This terrorist doesn't represent the whole muslim or U.A.E. No excuse can justify this or Charlie Hebdo. Now, excuse me but I find your theory insulting to us.

    3. Bataclan concert hall*

    4. they started it?? victim blaming to the highest ka. terrorism existed even before charlie hebdo. an attack of that magnitude takes time and serious planning. don't be a moron

    5. Hindi na question kung sino nauna. Ano ka ba?? Asan ang puso mo??! Maraming inosentemg tao ang pinatay tapos sasabihin mo sila ang nauna??

    6. seriously?? kahit saang anggulo hindi pa rin maja-justify act of terrorism. true, it was offensive, but to kill people because of that?? come on! parang kino-condone mo yang mga teroristang yan. kamag-anak mo siguro noh

    7. This is a matter of tolerance which those who took offense of Hebdo refuse to recognize because they aim to sabotage everybody's rights and freedom.
      Ano yun, tuwing na-ooffend ka papatay ka in retaliation??? that is so sick. Mag-isip ka nga bago mag-comment!

    8. It has nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo's about taking over the world! These scumbags wants to dominate the world!! The question is when will the world leaders wake up?!! These scumbags are threat to our security, westerners or not we are all affected!! It's about GREED and POWER that these filthy #%^* wants!!! EVIL EVIL EVIL that's what they are!!

  11. Lord have mercy on us!

  12. i' ve been watching this news in cnn. i felt bad and sad. two terrorist attacks within a year. nakakatakot na tlga

  13. let's all pray and unite for peace. nagagawa natin yan sa mga idols natin, gawin din natin para sa mga biktima ng karahasan.

  14. Kaka kilabot.. Lord please help them!

  15. Seriously?! What can they gain from terrorism?

    1. These dirty scumbugs wants to dominate the world! That's why!!

    2. Eternal salvation, heaven, 42 virgins. Radical muslims take every detail sa Quoran literally. They use this as spiritual blackmails sa mga undeducated followers. Kaya maliit na bagay sa knila ang magvolunteer as a suicide bomber.


  16. Sarado na kasi mga borders! If they wanna come in, pa convert muna sa ng ibang religion!

    Yes, not all Muslims are terrorists. But all terrorists are Muslims. Sad fact!

    1. Don't generalize 12:08.

    2. she was saying the truth. as much as we would not like to generalize, it's true though

  17. Nothing against Islam, but their leaders must take a stand on this. They're shaming their own religion, and portraying Muslims as a some barbaric cult to the rest of the world. France is sure to retaliate, and some innocent Muslims would surely if they condemn and take concrete action against these scums.

  18. European leaders are partly to blame for accepting Syrian refugees into Europe. ISIS pretended that they were syrian refugees para makatawid sa europe. Salot at terorista yang mga muslim na yan.

    1. Be careful of whats coming out from ur mouth. These ppl needs help and in dire need of help. They were provided assistance and that alone is a sign of peace and love for mankind. Regardless if muslims or christians. Isis are evil, they are mad of the fact France came to the rescue for syrians. And so this things happens. Isis had retaliation for France just bcoz they intervened.

    2. Wag kang mag-generalize 12:23

    3. Thats true, galit sila sa France dahil french goverment signed the agreement to intervened the civil war in syrian two months ago.Im a Filipina who resides in France for 10 yrs now, at napakabait nang gobyerno dito, matulungin especially sa mga kapuspalad.Kaya nga yong slogan nila is Fraternity, Egality,& Solidarity.

    4. that's the sad part. sa bait ng gobyerno para i take in ang mga kalahi nila, gagawin pa nila yan.

  19. Dont this terrorists know in doing this they are tarnishing the reputation of Islam?

    1. Trust me, Islam's reputation is the least of their concerns. This isn't about religion anymore. This is about enforcing some twisted ideology about how they have to purify the world because that's what their twisted Koranic interpretation says they should do. This isn't a war of Muslims versus everything else. It's one of ISIS versus non-believers, whether you're Christian, Jewish, or yes, even Muslim.

  20. such tragic news:( praying for peace..

  21. Kawawa nanaman ang mga muslim na matinong nabubuhay kasi nadadamay sila sa kawalanghiyaan ng ilan sa kanila.

  22. We are all trying to be in safe place here in UK, trying to avoid crowded places and cities. European countries target nila dahil dumadami mga taong asar sa mga muslims for having loads of kids and they think muslims are all terrorists.

    1. Baks mas magworry ka if andito ka sa Italy.the Pope is here and the vatican which theres a lot of Christians/Catholics.Muslims hated Christians so much and besides mas open ang Italy kesa sa ibang EU countries thats why ang daming stranieri.Tama yung commenter sa taas.UK,Rome and US(esp.Washngton DC) ang next target nila.Lets pray na sana walang mangyari.

  23. This is all done in the name of allah dabi ng mga islamic extremists na yan... Mga haup

    1. No, they use religion, but they have other intentions.

  24. These are times we should all pray and wish that "World Peace" would be more than just lip service and answers to beauty pageants.

  25. What these Muslims are doing now is a reflection of what Christians did 500+ years ago. Remember the Kastilas who invaded Pinas and fast forward now Majority of Filipinos get offended when you talk badly or sarcastically about God, or nakita mo Sa TV stations always talking about praying, etc.? Tsk tsk. How ironic.

    ISIS is the modern day Spanish Inquisition. Gusto din nila lahat maniwala Sa paniniwala nila.

  26. at this time, we cannot attain world peace anymore dahil lahat ng nakasulat sa Bible eh nagsimula ng maganap gaya ng maglalaban laban ang mga bansa at iba pa.. ang lahat ng nangyayari ngayon sa buong mundo ay may pahintulot ng Diyos dahil binibigyan pa Nya ang ibang tao ng pagkakataon na kilalanin at tanggapin Sya bilang nag-iisang Dios at Tagapagligtas.

    marami pa rin kasi ang nabubulag sa maling katuruan.

  27. Daming nagrereact. Bakit nung bombahan at gera sa Syria, Lebanon, etc., na kahit saan ka tumingin puro usok at apoy makikita mo di naman daw ganun ka-OA yung react ng tao sa social media pero nung Paris na isang gabi lang nabomba sobrang awang awa na sila, may DP effect pa at kung ano ano pa. E "paris" yan e (sabi ng mga tao). Parang issue din to sa hindi pagpila ni Kim Chiu sa comelec e. E si "kim chiu yan e".

  28. Tama ba. Diba meron ding ISIS sa pilipinas pero hindi naman sila yung tipong pumapatay (sa ngayon).



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