Friday, October 31, 2014

He Got Massive Love

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The term "May-December," describes a relationship where one person is significantly older than the other. Instantly, our immediate image of a May-December relationship is an older man with a hot young trophy wife or girlfriend. More often,  a relationship such as this is often called an “affair” and labeled as amorous.

Expectedly, these relationships are judged and/or criticized. Younger women get attracted to older men for some reasons – maturity, stability and sexual experience. Emotionally, women develop earlier than men, so a relationship with an older man may be more fulfilling in that way. But commonly, young women fall for older (and rich) men for obvious reasons – perks and financial bonanza.

Playful Boss PB has had a number of amorous relationships, often coming from a stable of its beautiful stars. Although his past affairs were common knowledge among network insiders, PB would always be prudent and would try to keep his affairs private, as much as he can.

PB was present when the network held an event abroad with its stars. At the after party, PB decided to call it a day and left earlier than the rest and proceeded to his hotel room.  At past midnight, his assistant got a panic call from a girl saying that PB was feeling very dizzy and was hardly breathing. The girl asked the assistant to call the hotel doctor and to please bring oxygen to PB’s room asap.

The network’s Gracious Boss GB learned of PB’s predicament and proceeded to his room. There  she met the doctor who told her that there was nothing seriously wrong with PB and that it was  just fatigue that caused his distress.  As she left PB’s room, GB met Sultry Singer SS with her boyfriend along the corridor and SS asked about PB’s condition. With a wink, GB replied to her in jest, “Wala, napagod lang. “

SS responded with a smile as she knew exactly what GB meant.  Oh btw, who was the girl in panic who called for help? Yes you guessed it right – she is no other than the sexy star. Awww!

“I will teach you in time, but for now restrain me and have your way with me. I don’t want to think, I just want to feel.” -Jake”  ~ Laci Paige, The Silken Edge

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FB Scoop: Is Gov. Joey Salceda a KathNiel Loyalist?

Images courtesy of Facebook: Joey Sarte Salceda

Blast from the Past: Coco Martin

Image courtesy of Instagram: cocojul_global

Face Off: KC Concepcion vs Julia Montes

Image courtesy of Instagram: anna_pingol

Fab or Drab: Pauleen Luna

Image courtesy of Instagram: pauleenluna

Caption This: Derek Ramsay

Image courtesy of Instagram: ramsayderek11

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cut Her Show

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They say that show business is cruel. Every actress/actor has a shelf life whose expiration is determined by how he/she plays his cards. You maybe up today, but gone tomorrow. It’s an industry mantra: you are only as good as your last performance.

In an industry where stiff competition is the name of the game, one’s wrong move, is another one’s gain. As everyone knows, showbiz, like politics is a dog-eats-dog world, and you better watch your back – all the time.

Versatile Actress VA has seen all the faces of showbiz - been there, done that, as they say. Although not so pretty by standards and less equipped with education or a college degree, VA can hold her own and can beat anyone with experience. Unlike some of her popular contemporaries who have vanished into oblivion, VA’s continued visibility was a result of her growth and reinvention of herself. That explains why her shows were such hits to the viewing public.

But as they say – not every day is Christmas. Recently, the shows of VA have not been showing promise with ratings doing so poorly. Show A SA which began and ended first season with a bang allegedly failed to spark interest and energize viewership on its second season, despite some changes made. Show B SB on the other hand had to be cut short as there are hardly sponsors coming in.

VA’s Network Bosses NB reportedly asked themselves what went wrong? NB have been getting paranoid why the turnaround of VA’s shows. Until they themselves answered their own question  -  VA is no longer in and that the public has probably grown tired of her. VA, probably felt it, too, and wanted a graceful exit. Is this why she has recently announced that she is willing to take a leave as family matters take priority at this point in her life? Take a guess.

“ Cultivate the habit of defining, refining, redefining and redeeming your opportunities. Failure is a temporal event, not a permanent trademark. ”  ~  Israelmore Ayivor

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Follow @FashionPulis on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS!

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Smart to Offer iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus on November 14

Wireless services leader and the country’s biggest network Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) today announced it will offer iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the biggest advancements in iPhone history, beginning on Friday, November 14, 2014. 

Customers can pre-order iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus beginning on Friday, November 7, 2014 at

For more information on Smart Communications, please For more information on iPhone, please visit:

Insta Scoop: Iya Villania Goes Back to GMA

Image courtesy of Instagram: gmanetwork

Images courtesy of Instagram: iyavillania

Insta Scoop: Jewel Mische is Engaged

Image courtesy of Instagram: yes_magazine

Blast from the Past: Luis Manzano

Image courtesy of Instagram: luckymanzano

Fab or Drab: Judy Ann Santos

Image courtesy of Instagram: detailsph

Caption This: Iza Calzado and Piolo Pascual

Image courtesy of Instagram: piza_pioloiza

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Much Had Been Said

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Just recently, network had its stars brought abroad for a huge event. You know how things go every time this happens – loyal fans get very excited to see their favorite stars, some even camp out at the airport in anticipation for a chance to see them up close. And for good reason – it’s not everyday that they get to see their idols come in huge number.

Some fans go the extra mile and go to the rehearsal studios themselves to watch the stars in their most unguarded moments. But not everyone who go there are actually fans and/or lurkers. Others have personal connection to the star/s and their desire for even a brief face to face would suffice. One of them happened to be a Hot Cutie HC.

HC came to the network's rehearsal studio, approached an event marshal and asked if he could talk to Dramatic Actor DA ( who is long rumored to be a closeted one ). HC showed his old photos with DA to the marshal to prove that he was an old friend. When marshal told DA of HC, DA went out to have a glimpse of HC from afar - but he denied ever knowing him.

When told of DA's reaction, HC would have none of it and became persistent. He then approached a network staff for help, showed same photos and said that he and DA go way back. Staff went to DA to reiterate what HC told and showed her. Peeved at this time... again, DA denied knowing HC and angrily told the staff to get rid and send him away.

Hurt and devastated, HC told the staff and marshal what they were not prepared to hear - but his lips were burning to say. He told them that he and DA were lovers for years!

Whew! Quo vadis, DA?

“Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.”  ~  Warren W. Wiersbe

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Follow @FashionPulis on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS!

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Blast from the Past: Cristine Reyes

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Fab or Drab: Heart Evangelista

Image courtesy of Instagram: kamocampo

Caption This: Toni Gonzaga

Image courtesy of Instagram: oksphoto