Monday, March 14, 2011

Let Us Pray for Japan

These five photos show us the gravity of the damage in Japan. They look like scenes from a big budget Hollywood film but they are not. I felt very sad when I saw these photos on Facebook and I thought of sharing them with you. Let us all pray for Japan and also pray that nothing like this will ever happen to the Philippines.

Today, I am supposed to file the application for our Japanese visa for our upcoming trip to Osaka and Tokyo this coming Holy Week. I guess we have to postpone our trip to Japan indefinitely. This makes me even more sad because I miss going to Japan and it seems like it will take a while before my next visit.

Follow me on twitter: micsylim and like fashionpulis on Facebook. Send your stories to I will be waiting.

P.S. I accidentally deleted some of your comments for various posts. It would be great if you can repost them. Thank you.


  1. It must have been such a huge devastation. Let us offer prayers for those who have suffered from the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan, as well as hoping that it doesn't happen here in the Philippines too.

  2. Hi Mike, I'm slated to go to Tokyo this 24th! The people in that city say, what they want the least is to scare away the tourists... My heart goes out to the people of Japan who were affected by the natural disaster. -F.L.

  3. Dear FL,
    Are you pushing through with your trip to Japan?

  4. I love going to Tokyo ever since I was in grade school. Whenever I would get an academic award my parents would always ask me what I want for my reward. I told them I wanted to go to Tokyo to see Tokyo Disneyland and see the cherry blossoms. My wish was granted. I bought lots of toys, nice unique schools supplies from ITOYA , colorful Sanrio stuffs and Japanese grocery snacks. I cannot imagine the pain, sorrow and hardship that our fellow brothers and sisters in japan are experiencing right now. Many lives, jobs, & future were lost. How can the same country which gave me happy colorful memories when I was small now gives me an unhappy black and white pictures of the recent quake.
