The increased visibility of the presence of Versatile Performer (VP) has given rise to persistent rumors of her activities during her semi-hiatus. VP was discovered in a variety show and her brand of entertainment was a hit with the viewers. After her start, VP never looked back and continued in her quest for that stardom. After many years, she reached success.
Nonetheless, VP was restless, and thus decided to seek her greener pasture. Far from the land that gave her opportunities and where she was treated like a queen, VP opted to seek her own adventure and to live simply. VP took on odd jobs and projected herself like the average citizen of the new land.
While VP told stories about her new life, some followers wondered if her version was complete. Rumors claimed that VP might have incurred debts in the new location. They wondered why VP even chose a low-paying job to make ends meet, as given her status, she could have opted for higher-earning gigs. Still, VP had a family and circumstances would require her to add to the family’s cost of living.
Again, suspicions arose that VP could allegedly be dealing with creditors, which made her choose work that guaranteed her payment rather than have a one-time, big-time gig. With VP’s renewed presence in the local scene, talks about her leaving debts from where she came from remained loud in the grapevine.
‘Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.’ — Romans 13:7
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